5: Graceful-Elrond

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    A/N: This is REALLY short. Just felt like doing that thing where you write for 5 minutes and see what you come up with. Yeah, thats this.
Warnings: Horses
You flew forward into your horse's neck, grabbing at it. But, of course, you fell flat on your backside onto the hard ground. You sat up, fixing your hair and dusting off your clothes and a blush seemed to consume your every fiber. Your husband tried his hardest not laugh, but instead he released  a small chuckle from his  lips. Elrond the dismounted his horse and walked over to you, stooping down to pick you up bridal style and place your on your feet, his arms still loosely hanging from your waist.
"Graceful, my starlight. Are you okay?" He chuckled.
You slapped Elrond's armored shoulder lightly, "Stop teasing me. I'm fine."
"Good," Elrond smiled. "Now. You ride with me, meleth nin."
"What! I am perfectly capable of riding a horse," you complained,
"Sure, [First Name]. That's why you fell off. You're riding with me whether you like it or not," Elrond  grabbed your horse's reins and tied them to a hook on his horse's saddle. He then helped you climb onto his horse, before climbing on behind you. His arms encircled you, grabbing the reins and trapping you so that you were safely surrounded by Elrond.
"Shall we ride on, my lady?" Elrond laughed, placing a small kiss on the top of your head, just above the circlet that adorned your head.
"Let us be off, my lord," you sighed happily, placing your hands on Elrond's, who in turn dropped the reins into your hands and encased your hands with his.

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