18: A Poetic Heart - Lindir

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Imagine: Discovering Lindir's poetry that he has written about you. From those-of-middle-earth on tumblr.

A/N: Special thanks to little-red-83 on tumblr  for helping me with this fic. And I'm sorry if the "poetry" sucks. I can't write it, even if my life depended on it. But hey fluffy Lindir (I hope) and young!Meludir. Please enjoy!

Abbreviations: H/C: Hair color. S/T: Skin tone. L/N: Last name.

Warnings: The word 'hellfire', Reader believes she isn't good enough, longing, heartbreak (temporary).

Words: About 1,500

Raindrops pattered on the lofty windows of Imladris's library, a soft rumble of thunder rolling in the distance. I sat behind my desk reading old tales of dragon's reign and men's strifes when a small figure burst through the closed door, startling me. As I looked up, I recognized Meludir, Lindir's younger brother, a leather-bound book tucked under his arm, a mischievous smile on his lips. I recognized Lindir, my dearest friend's, nervous voice resounding through the halls. 'Meludir. Meludir. Give it back!'

"Hide this," Meludir ran over to me, his voice breathless. Then he giggled and ran off once more, the doors banging closed again behind him.

I touched the books cover, the leather soft and well worn beneath the pads of my fingers. I heard loud footsteps approaching and the doors opened once more, revealing an out of breath Lindir, a fraught look plastered among his features as his hands weakly propped himself up on the door frame. I rushed over to him, leaving the book on top of my current read.

"Did you see where my troublesome brother went?" Lindir wheezed. "He has something of mine that means a lot to me."

I knew then that I should have given back the book, but Lindir's words filled me with curiosity.

"He went, down the hall," I said and gestured in the direction the frolicking elfling had taken after putting the book in my care.

"Thank you, Mellon," Lindir huffed, offering as much of a smile as he could in his fatigued state. "Would you accompany me on a walk in the gardens later?"

"It would be my pleasure," I smiled. "Now go get your brother, for me."

Lindir grasped my hand and brought it to his lips, before running off to catch his frolicsome brother. Even if the world was ending, Lindir would never abandon his habits of chivalry. It was one of the things I liked about him, one upon much more.

I couldn't deny that I had feelings for my friend, but I knew that to him, all we could ever be was friends. With a minute heaviness in my heart, I turned back to my desk and the book that had been given to me by an impish Meludir.

Nestling back into my chair, I opened the book and read the first page.

Property of Lindir, it read. I instantly felt a twinge of guilt, knowing that this was Lindir's personal journal, but I still couldn't help myself.

I turned the page, my eyes flitting over the words that resided in the perfect pencraft that was Lindir's. Little numbers at the top of the page told me that this entry was from 2 months ago. A paragraph was centered in the middle of one of the pages.

No matter how many stars fill the bleak darkness above, her eyes will always hold more than any oblivion, the verse said.

The poem was accompanied by a colored sketch of a woman with luscious H/C hair tumbling down her back and over her face as her head pointed upwards, eyes reflecting Lindir's fantasized oblivions.

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