Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Admittance


"Ow!" I yelped as I toppled to the ground. "Shit! Damn it!"

I rubbed my now sore right knee, groaning to myself. I swear that nature is out to get me.

Or maybe it's just my unnaturally shitty luck. Yeah, that's it.

Try as I might, I can never seem to run for very long without falling over something. I can't even walk for all that long. It sucks.

I had just finished speaking with Jasper and deciding that I was going to go to Alice and tell her how I felt. I stupidly allowed my excitement to get the better of me and took off running, only to end up tripping not a minute later.

Fuck my life. Seriously.

After another groan I managed to force myself up. I blinked and looked around, trying to remember what direction I was going in.

Jasper had given me a decent description of what I was looking for. The forest would dip downwards into a valley, where I would find a river. That was where Alice was. That was where I needed to go.

I bit my lip, frustrated. What way was I going?

Damn it. I can't help if my sense of direction stinks. Shit.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Just relax. I'll figure it out.


I hear something.

What is that? Is that....running water? No, that's chirping birds. I think. I furrowed my brow for a moment before opening my eyes.

"Ah!" I gasped to myself. Okay, I knew where I was going now.

I began moving in the direction I swore was the correct one, only I wasn't running this time. I didn't want to trip twenty five times and get to Alice covered in bruises. I figured that would only upset her and ruin the moment. I didn't want that. I wanted the moment to be as perfect as humanly possible. I wanted to make sure I got through to Alice.

I still couldn't believe that this gorgeous angel was meant for me. I couldn't believe it.

I was amazed. But I was delighted and thankful in the same. Alice was going to be my girlfriend.

Girlfriend. I'd never thought or said that word before. Not for a long time.

I'd thought I'd had one before. That was a year ago, back when I initially thought that I was bisexual and nothing more. God I was an idiot then. I made lots of bad choices. She was the worst of them all, I think.


That was her name, the girl I used to have a relationship with. Ha.

If you can even call it a relationship.

I was sixteen and going to school at the time when I met her. God I hated that place. It was poorly lit, smelled horrible and the teachers weren't very friendly.

I didn't have any friends. I kept to myself. Most people steered clear from me, though there were always a good number of them who got a good laugh out of my clumsiness. Some even made fun of me for my pale skin. I didn't care. I ignored them.

I thought I was bi. I had noticed that I found girls attractive. Much more attractive then guys. But for some reason I thought I liked guys too. In reality, I didn't much. The boys at my school were irritating. Most hit on me every day, the others just made fun of me.

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