Coffee's Not a Beverage, It's a Moment of Pleasure (Thirty-Seven)

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"What business is it of yours anyway?" Looking rather annoyed, Sonny eyed her younger sibling questioningly.

Her brow crinkling in confusion, Briana glanced at her sister for a split second before returning her attention to the road. "Huh? What are you talking about?"

"I'm responding to your last statement."

There was a full minute of silence followed by Briana chuckling. "I haven't said anything since we left the market. It took you this long to come up with a response?" An amused smile curved her lips. "A little slow, aren't we, Sonny?"

Not the least bit amused, Sonny grew more annoyed as she looked out the passenger side window. Noticing a small mini-mart and that one of the buildings was a coffee shop, she asked her sister to take them there. Silently obeying, Briana made the necessary turns in order to drive into the mini-mart. Easily locating a parking space, the sisters went inside, and took their seats at a booth, choosing to sit across from each other. The waitress appearing seconds later, they ordered coffees.

"Where were we?" Briana asked in a conversational tone as she sat back in the booth. "Ah, you were telling me that...what? Your love life is none of my business?"

Sonny gave a short nod. "Precisely. You hit the nail right on the head. I'm tired of people telling me how I feel. None of you know how I feel because I am the only one inhabiting this body. I know myself better than anyone does, and I know that I do not love Jack. At least not in the way you guys seem to think I do."

Delaying Briana's response, the waitress returned with their hot drinks. Both women became lost in their thoughts as they proceeded to doctor up their coffees and take experimental sips. Content with the way her coffee tasted, Briana took another sip before putting it down and looking across the table at her sister.

"You love her and for the life of me, I can't figure out why you're denying it." Briana thoughtfully paused. "Wait a second. Does this have anything to do with that woman you met over the Internet? Her name is Pixie?"

Sonny frowned, knowing that her sister had mispronounced the Southerner's name on purpose. "Dixie. And she's the one that I want. She and I would be perfect for each other, and we will be together."

Briana rolled her eyes. "You don't even know her. For God sakes, the woman stood you up at Disneyworld!"

"I've known her for over a year and I told you that she was just scared. That happens to the best of us," Sonny replied in a defensive tone. "We've been talking on the phone and we're probably going to meet soon."

Briana softly snorted into her coffee, taking a cautious sip. "Look, Sonny, my gut feeling tells me that Jack is the perfect one for you."

"Bri, my gut feeling tells me that you should mind your own business. You along with everyone else who has the insane idea that Jack and I are meant to be." What was it with everyone? Why were they so intent on playing matchmaker with her and Jack? Even her own parents were rooting for them to be a couple. Sonny thought back to that morning when her mother pulled her aside and asked why she had yet to tell Jack that she loved her. When she replied that she didn't love Jack in a romantic way, she could tell that her mother didn't believe a single word coming out of her mouth.

Before she allowed the conversation to end, Annette gave her daughter what she deemed wise advice: Don't let this one get away. After those words were spoken, Sonny had an image of herself standing at the edge of a lake with a fishing rod and a wriggling fish in her hand, which she promptly threw back into the water. What they all didn't realize was that Jack was the wrong fish. Sure, she would be an incredible catch but Blue was the perfect trout for Sonny. She scowled. What in the world am I talking about? Glancing at her sister, Sonny noticed that the younger woman was looking at her expectantly. Apparently, she had missed something while pondering women and cold-blooded vertebrates. Sheepishly, Sonny asked her sister to repeat.

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