Phillip Hamilton x Reader (TRP PART ONE)

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Modern AU

Event: The Reynold's Pamphlet

Summary: meh I don't feel like writing one.

You were sitting at the kitchen table, reading the newspaper when something interesting caught your eye.

"The Reynolds Pamphlet?" You mumbles out loud, causing your mother to look over at you.

"Read that out loud, (y/n). Those are our neighbors."

You examine the article more. "Oh, it's by Mr. Hamilton!" You smiled at the mention of your boyfriends father.

Not only was Hamilton a politician, a very good one in fact, he was an amazing writer.

"Ok, mom, listen.

'The charge against me is a connection with one James Reynolds...'"

Your mom interrupted you. "Charge? Oh, sorry (y/n). Keep reading."

You continued.

"'For purposes of improper speculation, my real crime is an amours connection with his wife for a considerable time...w-with his knowing c-consent." A tear rolled down your cheek as your mother gasped.

"You don't have to finish reading, darling."

You took a big gulp, and continued. "'I had frequent meetings with her, most of them at my own house, Mrs. Hamilton with our children being absent o-on a v-v-v-" you stop. "Mom, I gotta go!"

You ran to your room to get shoes, your phone, and your skateboard. As you walked back into the living room, your father was watching the news.

"A shocking article in this morning's newspaper. It was written by Alexan-"

More tears came to your eyes as you speed out of the door. You made your way to the Hamilton residence as quickly as you could. When you got there, there were two extra cars that you quickly recognized:

Angelica Church and Peggy Van Rensselaer.

This must have been bad; Angelica lived on the opposite side of the state.

When you walk in, all you can hear is crying.

"Oh, (y/n), dear! It's nice to see you again." Peggy says, embracing you in a hug.

"You too, Mrs. R." You say, wiping a tear away. She smiles.

"Phillip's locked himself in his room- he won't come out. Angelica is in Eliza's bedroom. They've been up there for lord knows how long."

You nod and walk slowly up the stairs. Everyone is sobbing, the youngest Hamilton not understanding what's going on.

You knocked on Phillip's door.

"Ph-Phillip? I-it's me, (y/n). Can I come in?" You ask, leaning your head on the door so you can hear better. There's a shuffling noise, and you hear the lock turn. A sigh escapes your mouth as you open the door.

There are tissues everywhere, and all pictures of his father had been thrown on the floor. You look to your boyfriend who went back under his covers in bed, his eyes red and puffy. Another tear escapes your eye.

"Oh, Phillip!" You cry out, climbing into bed with him. He begins to cry again while you hold him in your arms.

You feel a tear drip onto your shoulder, and that's when you loose it.


After a while, Phillip started to talk to you. The TV was on in the background, but you were more focused on him.

You wanted to make sure Phillip was ok. Well, it was obvious he wasn't, but you needed to be there for him.

"I'm sorry I didn't talk earlier." He says. You shake your head.

"Phillip, there's no need to apologize. Look, I'm gonna go get some water. Do you want anything?"

He requests some water and an apple. You get out of bed, not before kissing his forehead, and leave the room.

Angelica was leaving Eliza's room.

"Hello, Mrs. Church." You greet her as you head down the stairs. She gives you a weak smile and goes in the bathroom.

Once you walk into the kitchen, you see Alexander sitting at the table with his hands in his head. You gulp, and consider leaving. However, you had to do this for Phillip.

You quietly walked to the fridge, grabbed a bottle of water, and an apple. However, going unnoticed didn't work for you.

"Oh, (y/n), hello." Alexander looked up, his eyes red and puffy.

"Sir." You said with a nod.

Even though you really did not want to talk to him, you had to be polite.

"How bad is it?" He asked, referring to his son. You shook your head.

"It's really bad, you messed up. Big time." You went upstairs, only to find Phillip waiting on the staircase.

Young a him his requested items, and hug him. However, he didn't hug back.

"Are you ok?" You ask him, worried.

"You talked to him. Get out." He said.

Tears were coming to you (e/c) eyes, daring to escape.

"W-what? Phillip, I-"

Peggy comes, causing Phillip to lead you to his room so you not cause a commotion.

Once the door is closed, you continue.

"Phillip, I barely said anything! I didn't want to have a conversation, and you know that. I was just being polite." The tears that were daring to escape did, in fact, escape.

"I don't care, (y/n). You betrayed me. We're done." He opens his door, expecting you to leave.

You don't.

"It wasn't like I was being nice to him!" You were yelling at this point, causing Peggy to stand right outside of the door, where she couldn't be seen. Angelica came also. And Eliza had left her room for the first time all day. "Phillip, please, just lis-"

"No, (y/n)." He was yelling now, too. "I don't give two shits about what you said to him! All I know is you talked to him. We are done, (y/n)."

You stand there in shock, then leave the room, crying. The three Schuyler sisters are there, waiting.

You politely ignore them, and walk downstairs.

Alexander heard all of the commotion, and was waiting. He had the same puffy eyes, but now they weren't as red.

"Can I drive you home?" He asked. You shook your head.

"N-no. I brought my s-skateboard. I'll be fine."

"Please it's the le-"

"I said I'll be fucking fine!" You said, slamming the door.

You're sassy 💁

Ok sorry

Part two will be up whenever it is requested my dudes.

Peace ✌🏻✌🏼✌🏽✌🏾✌🏿

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