I'm A Loser

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A/N: I’m having total writers block. This is very short and I’m sorry if it’s bad. I’ve had three days off and this is all I can come up with. Hopefully something better will come up for the next chapter but I have no idea, if you have some tips for my writing rut… well I’d love you five ever for helping me out of it. Thanks again to all my readers and I hope I don’t disappoint too much.

*********************Now on to the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**************

Chapter 24;

It’s been about seven months. Seven months since going to America, making the boys do for another trip back to America in August. John, Paul, George, Ringo, and I all went, performing thirty concerts in 23 cities. It was very surreal actually, if I thought the first trip was exhausting, this one was insane. The boys were also busy shooting a new film which was renamed ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ thanks to Ringo’s contributing.

The Beatles have also released a new album containing the same name, plus they’re working on their other album, with no name yet or any songs. Lots has actually happened. Lots of important things that have changed the way of everything.

For starters, Donna did not come along with us to the trip to America. Donna had gotten an urgent call; her aunt May had passed away and her funeral would be held that week. John tried to cancel the trip to America so he could be with her, but she refused respectively saying she’d need to handle these family problems alone and even didn’t want me to come. John made sure to call her every day, sometimes he’d try and chat a girl up but look to me and stop; I often wondered what would happen if I wasn’t there.

Paul and I’s relationship came out to the public. It was each extreme; terrific or horrific. Either they wished us luck and said nice things to/about me, or they tried to claw their way at me, burn our pictures and spit out filthy words unfit for any kind of person. I was actually pulled out on stage a couple of times and got to meet the cities press. John’s and Donna’s stayed under wraps though, Brian said it’d be best for the band plus she wasn’t there.

The Beatles and myself were graced with the presences of Bob Dylan, I absolutely adored him! Bob was very witty, nice yet sarcastic and makes great music! Paul and Bob didn’t take to much liking to him though… I think they stepped off on the wrong foot, but you can just feel the tension whenever they’re in the same room together. Paul didn’t find the fact that I adored him or his music any better.

And finally, their movie and album came out! The album was definitely Dylan, influenced. John tried out his harmonica on songs too! Due to this, we were moved from Liverpool to London in a new apartment with a little bit less room, yet we didn’t use all of the rooms we had there in the first place. Can’t Buy Me Love and A Hard Day’s Night have become hits and you can barely move without hearing them being played.

**Donna’s POV**

I run up the stairs, the wind is whipping my hair back and further stinging my face, but I can’t feel it I’m numb to everything other than trying to make my way up these stairs. John’s voice echoes in the darkness calling out my names along with pleas, but I block it all out, tearing the door open and shutting it behind me.

I fall apart once the warm air hits me, so warm for a place that no longer seems that way. It’s stiff and heavy as I go to our bedroom - John’s bedroom. I should’ve known it all along. I try not to make a sound, but my heavy sobs and breathing aren’t helping a bit. I focus on getting everything out. “Donna!” John yells throughout the house, finally catching up to me, I guess he doesn’t have a sense of time.

I pick my clothing up off the top of dresser, trying to put it on the open suitcase, when I hear it crash. I walk over to it and bend down to look at it. My fingers trace over the broken glass covering a picture of John and I at the beach. Broken; just like this relationship. Broken; like myself. Broken is a constant. You can’t stop being broken, they say, just become more broken.

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