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Two whole hours passed and thats when they heard the phone ring. Clarke quickly grabbed the phone and answered the call. "Hello!?" Clarke screamed but there was no response she looked over to Titus who had answered the other phone that was really ringing.

"What is it Raven?" Titus asked. Putting Raven on speaker. Clarke sighed putting the other phone down and sitting back. She hoped, prayed that Lexa was okay. She needed Lexa to know that they haven't stop looking for her. She wants Lexa to know that she misses her but most of all she wants Lexa to know she loves her and won't ever stop loving her.

"Do you have any news on Lexa yet, Anya is asking about her sister and I don't know what to tell her" Raven sounded desperate but mostly sad. Lexa is not just Clarke's wife, she's not just Anya's sister, she's Ravens bestfriend and Raven misses her. She'd do anything to get her back. Raven has a hard exterior, but in the inside she was broken just as everyone else was.

"No not yet Raven, we'll keep you posted" Titus hung up the phone up and looked at Clarke.

"Are you hungry, I can call in the secretary to bring us something to eat" Titus suggested.

"No thank you, I can't eat at a time like this" Clarke stared at the table with the phone on it. Titus felt sorry for the girl. Clarke skin had gone pale and she's barely eating enough to stay alive. Everything that was Clarke had now vanished, she wasn't herself anymore and Titus knew this but he kept his thoughts to himself. "Well I'm gonna go put in a request for some food because I'm starving. Maybe if I eat enough my hair will come back" Titus tried to make a joke, to make the girl smile but she never took her eyes off the phone. Clarke always laughed when Titus made fun of his baldness but not this time. Titus frowned and got up looking at Clarke one last time before exiting the room.

10 minutes passed before Titus came back with a tray of sandwiches and water bottles. He sat them on the table and took a sit next to Clarke. "I didn't know what type of sandwich meat you'd like so I got them all" Clarke glanced at the food and went back to staring at the phone. "Look Clarke you have to eat something" Titus tried but Clarke didn't say anything. "Fine more sandwiches for me" Titus grabbed a ham sandwich purposely moaning after every bite he takes and thats when he saw it, he saw the corners of Clarke's mouth slightly turn up. Titus picked up a half a sandwich and handed it to Clarke "Please?" Titus begged.

"Is it Turkey" Clarke asked with a weak smile. Titus nodded and Clarke grabbed it. Titus watched as Clarke slowly took a bite out the sandwich. Titus opened two water bottles and handed Clarke one.

"Did I ever tell you how much of a hassle your wife was?" Titus was trying to get Clarke's mind off the bad things going on. Clarke shook her head and Titus continued "Well me and Lexa's dad had been bestfriends since high school, when he passed I made a promise" Titus sighed "A promise to never let anything happen to his two little girls" Titus inhaled sharply knowing he had failed Lexa's father. "Lexa was adopted into the Woods family at the age of two, when Lexa was seven when her dad was no longer with them. It was hard to explain to a little girl that her dad won't be there to tuck her in at night or take her for ice cream on Saturday afternoons" Clarke nodded, she to understood the feeling. Clarke's dad had passed away when she was twelve. "I was there to help Indra with anything they needed. I could tell Lexa was something else, she is..." Titus started.

"Special" Clarke finished his sentence. Titus nodded and continued.

"Yes precisely, Lexa had the warmest heart, a beautiful child full of life and love for everything. So much care for everything in the world, she can always see the good in people" Titus smiled remember how vibrant little Lexa was. "She stood out from the rest and that was okay, she was okay with being different" Titus looked at Clarke who looked interested in what he spoke.

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