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Clarke's POV

"Hello Clarke Griffin" the dark haired curly headed man spoke.

"Thank God, Bellamy! They're two woman in there that captured me and tortured me for weeks" I spoke loud and desperate to get out of this place. I was so ready to get those doors open that I didn't notice that I was still in this terrible place it had a bright light that made it look like I had open the doors to the outside but in fact I was still trapped. In my honest opinion the place looked staged.

"I know" Bellamy said. He didn't look kind as he did when he became my security guard. His face conveyed no emotions. He spoke with great coldness and that smile he would always have on his face was now gone.

"You know?" I asked highly confused.

"You see Clarkie, I'm apart of this whole kidnapping in fact I made up this plan" I wanted to scream. Why would I think this was it, I was going to be freed. Why do I even try?

"Why?" was the only thing I manage to choke out.

"It's time to show Lexa who's really the boss" he was dressed in a all black suit and his hands were in his pockets as he spoke. "Lexa let love cloud her mind, we've been watching Lexa become fonder and fonder of you everyday. We've just been waiting for the perfect moment, she couldn't see who her real enemies were and that my friend is a sign of weakness. I want Lexa's position and you were the perfect pawn in the game"

"That's impossible Anya is the VP you can't even be president if you tried, you're just a fucking guard" I spat. They've been planning this whole thing out what the fuck.

"On the contrary Clarke, once Anya is out of the picture there will be no one stopping me from getting what I want" he would kill Lexa's sister just to become president? How sick is he?

"You're absolutely insane" I charged at him but he did a quick move and I was on the ground with my face smushed against the concrete and his foot digging it's way into my spine with his hand twisting my arm. Struggling only made it worst.

"You shouldn't have done that Clarke" he said with power in his voice. "Now I have to kill you sooner than expected" I tried to scream but nothing came out, this was it this was the end.

He let me go, brushing off his suit laughing hysterically. What the fuck! I quickly got up shaken up a bit.

"You actually thought I was going to kill you, I don't even have a weapon" he laughed harder. It didn't reach his eyes, this was some kind of joke to him. "You're worth a lot of money Clarke, once we make a deal with the highest bidder, you won't be our problem anymore" he walked over to a cabinet and took out a dress and about 2inch heels. I would know, I have a good taste in style.

"Get dressed" he walked back over handing me the items. "We're going to meet your buyer"


After getting changed I was lead to a car with a black bag over my head. When entering the car it smelt of flowers, my mom loves flowers. I miss my mom. I'm a woman and I'm still a mommy's girl. Hell I bet Bellamy's sister doesn't even know what her brother been up to, all the lies and pretending. I miss Octavia she knew my past and she accepted me because we've all done bad things we just have to move on and become a better person. I just want to go home. I quickly wiped the tear that fell down my cheek as a person took the bag from off my head. Bellamy.

"We're here" he said getting out of the car gesturing me to follow him, when I did not comply he roughly grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the vehicle.

It was partly cloudy and the wind was blowing, the scenery was beautiful. I haven't seen the outside in a long time. There was a all black Audi sitting in the front of the car I just stepped out of. It was like I was a toy being bought. Costia told me that I was being bid on something called the black net, I have heard of this once, Octavia told me that it's where people can bid on illegal things anonymously. Bellamy grabbed my arm tighter making us bother walk over to the mysterious car. All the windows were tented to conceal the persons identity that's in it. Bellamy knocked on the window of the car.

There were two guards in black shades and suits on each side of the car. One big muscular guard came over stepping in front of Bellamy. "Don't try anything" the voice was very deep but oddly familiar.

"Do you have the money" Bellamy simply asked. The man held up a suitcase and Bellamy went to reach for it but the man immediately pulled it back and nodded for the other guard to come over. "Search him" he commanded. It was weird how I was just standing here watching the whole thing go down. They didn't seem to even acknowledge my exist. The guy came over and searched him Bellamy complied to the frisking. "He's clean" the guy said stepping aside.

"Alright before we hand over the money the buyer would like to speak to you" The man opened the car door as Bellamy slowly stepped In the car and I swear I saw a glimpse of.. no that's not.. It couldn't be. I shook the thought out of mind and face the facts that this is my life now. I'm never getting saved this is it.

I stood their awkwardly waiting for Bellamy to step out of the car. After about five minutes Bellamy was exiting the car with a gun to his head and a person behind him. Bellamy looked so shook as if he saw the death of himself. But when the person revealed their face I see why he was so scared. "Slower" she said to Bellamy as he slowly walked out of the car range "On your knees" she commanded he obliged. She nodded towards one of guards to grab him and they did handcuffing him standing him up roughly.

"Find Costia and Nia, I want their heads for this" she said the other guard obeyed her orders. I couldn't move I wanted to punch myself in the face to see it this was real. She smiled facing me and said,

"No ones going to hurt you anymore Clarke, I pinky promise"

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