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The next day had come. Clarke didn't get any sleep, she couldn't sleep when her wife was out having god knows what done to her. She tried not thinking about it, she tried not to let those bad thoughts conquer her. How can one sleep when the only thing that helped her sleep is gone? Clarke not being able to touch her, feel her, be with her made Clarke go insane. It was a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach. She never loved one like this before and now she has lost her. Its like someone above is punishing her for all the bad things she's done in life. Clarke wondered why? Why can't she get her happy ending? But maybe just maybe it has to get worse before it gets better. Things don't always come easy. Maybe Clarke had to fight a little to get the happy ending she deserves. Octavia had made her departure yesterday night, there was nothing more she could do for Lexa anymore besides she had a job to get back to work. Octavia said her goodbyes to everyone except Clarke she thought it was best this way.

Abby and Indra have become good friends since the wedding. Indra was not doing so well, if a month ago will be the last time she sees Lexa then she doesn't think she can take it. She doesn't think she has anymore energy to do this again, to deal with losing another member of her family. Abby is just as heartbroken as Indra, yes Lexa and Abby had their differences but once she saw how loyal Lexa was to her daughter, Abby had nothing but respect for her after that. So yeah, Lexa's disappearance is indeed affecting everyone.

Raven knocked on Clarke's room door then decided that knocking was ridiculous at this point and just came on in. Clarke was sitting on the floor going through wedding pictures of her and Lexa. There was two empty bottles of wine on the floor and one half empty bottle in her hand. Clarke just stared at one particular picture of her and Lexa smiling while running through the rose garden. It was an off gaurd picture but the two of them looked beautiful, Raven thought. Clarke had tears that strayed away from her eyes. The room was a mess and so was Clarke.

Raven came over and slowly took a seat beside Clarke. Raven looked at Clarke but she didn't say anything. Clarke didn't look up, she didn't move, she just stared...stared at that one picture. It broke Ravens heart to see her like this. Raven was so happy that her best friend had married her equal. Costia was never a match for Lexa and Raven knew this from the beginning that those two were never going to last. But Clarke and Lexa were alike in so many ways. They didn't know how special they were to have each other. Raven stayed silent and just sat there with Clarke.

"Its so funny because you don't know how much time you'll have with someone until they're gone" Clarke laughed. She was drunk yes, but she was honest. "We're never going to get her back, are we? I'm never going to see her again, am I?" Clarke traced her fingers over Lexa's face in the picture. Lexa looked so vibrant so full of life.

"Oh Clarke" Raven wrapped her arms around the girl, she watched as Clarke completely sobbed in her arms. Raven planted a kiss in her hair. "Don't you fret honey, we're going to get her back and you're going to be alright" Clarke laid in Ravens arms as Raven stroked her back.


Anya and Titus got prepared to meet up with the kidnappers. They called that morning requesting Anya come alone with the money. Titus didn't like the idea of her going by herself but its not his place to tell Anya what to do. Anya wasn't afraid, she wanted to see the faces of whoever dared to take her sister from her. It was getting close to the meet up time.

Anya made sure to carry a gun with her putting it in a hoster that's strapped to her leg. Anya learned how to use one after getting shot. She's not one to use weapons but she realized sometimes its essential to protect yourself against things.

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