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Clarke and Lexa had just arrived home from the airport. They had a nice time in Australia but the Presidents duties are never done. Clarke set her bags down after entering her and Lexa's bedroom. Lexa had some business to take care of but she had promised to be back the same night. Clarke had noticed how strange she was acting on the plane but didn't pay it any heed to it "maybe she was just tired" she thought. Clarke shook her head and began to unpack her things. Once she was done she headed for the bathroom to take a shower until a knock on her door stopped her in her footsteps. And she simply said "enter" she knows it can only be one of Lexa's assistants or her friends, they were the only ones aloud down this hall.

Octavia walked in and slammed the door behind herself. Clarke looked absolutely baffled as to why her "friend" barged into her room. "Clarke I have to tell you something but you have to promise that this stays between us, okay?" Octavia looked horrible she left Australia a day before Clarke and Lexa had left, with no explanation as to why.

"Okay?" Clarke was far from confused.

"Promise me!" Octavia practically shouted which took Clarke completely off guard.

"Okay okay i promise, now calm down-" before Clarke could finish her sentence Octavia had confessed.

"I had sex with Raven" she whispered but loud enough for Clarke to hear her. Octavia drop down onto the bed and Clarke stood there staring at her in utter disbelief. Clarke had finally put the pieces together. This is why Octavia had fled the scene in Australia this is why Raven looked so guilty the whole plane ride home. The real question is why, why would they do something like this if they knew who they were going to hurt... Anya.... Luna. Clarke shook her head in digust, she could never imagine cheating on Lexa, she loves her too much.

Clarke had finally collected herself and sat on the edge of the bed. She opened and closed her mouth several times before coming up with something to say.

"Why?" was all that she asked.

Octavia set up on the bed and took a brief look at Clarke before putting her head in her hands. "I needed someone to talk to and Raven was there at the time so I.. I don't know" Octavia took a deep long breath before exhaling.

Clarke couldn't help but laugh. Laugh at the words that just left Octavia's mouth. Clarke has always been there for Octavia, for her to lean on, to talk to and long behold her so called friend is saying that Raven was the only one to talk to.

Octavia gave her friend a strange look as to why she'd be laughing at such a serious matter. "Is this funny to you?" Octavia got hostile.

"No actually its hilarious" Clarke let herself breath from laughing so hard. "I was there, I was there to talk to. So that excuse that came out of your mouth was bullshit. You cheated on Luna and you made Raven dishonor her wife. You could ruin their marriage! And here you sit moping about how you needed someone to talk to"

"I didn't make Raven do anything she's just as guilty as me!" Octavia and Clarke were stepping into dangerous territory, they knew the conversation was way over due.

"Oh really? Classic Octavia blaming everyone else for her mistakes" Clarke stood from her spot using hand gestures to emphasize her argument.

"This why I never come to you anymore. You're not the same person Clarke. The Clarke I knew didn't scare so easily didn't hide behind another woman while she takes the spotlight. The Clarke I knew shined the brightest and stayed strong with her friend beside her because she didn't need anything else she didn't need anyone else she nor this life" Octavia got up to move closer to hug her friend to feel close to her again but Clarke only backed away and stared at her with anger ready to inflame.

"Well I guess you didn't know me very well then" Clarke walked over to her bedroom door and opened it "get out" she said coldly.

Octavia obliged leaving the room with one last look at her once was friend. Clarke slammed the door behind Octavia and slid her back down the door. She couldn't believe what Octavia did. Sex with Raven. Lexa's best friend. Lexa's sister's wife. But most of all she couldn't believe what Octavia had said to her as if Lexa had any control over anything she does. She is still herself, Clarke just thinks its someone else's time to shine.


Lexa got back to Clarke and her room at a decent hour 7:30pm to be exact. Lexa had to build up some courage to do this she's been wanting to do this since she saved Clarke from the kidnapping because never wanted to lose that beautiful blonde ever again. Lexa made her way to the door and pushed it open and made her way inside the room.

"Clarke" she called. Lexa heard the water running in the bathroom which was the perfect time for her to collect herself. Lexa took a seat on the bed repeating over and over the exact words to she was going to say to the most beautiful woman she had ever laid eyes upon. Clarke was special and Lexa knew that, so she couldn't mess this one up. Clarke exited the bathroom 20mins later with pajamas on and a towel wrapped around her head. She waa still stunning in the eyes of Lexa.

"Hey I didn't know you were coming back so soon" Clarke looked at the clock hanging just above their bed.

"What can I say, I just can't stay away" Lexa gave Clarke a smirk causing her to blush. Clarke didn't know Lexa could still make her do that and niether Lexa. The air between them was different tonight. Lexa was trying to push her confidence over her nervousness and Clarke noticed this she notices everything about the brunette.

Clarke made her way over to Lexa standing directly in front of her. "Is that so" Clarke's hands traveled up Lexa's arms stopping at her shoulders.

"It is indeed" Lexa pulled Clarke onto her lap and secured her arms around Clarke's waist. Clarke couldn't resist her so she cupped Lexa's cheeks and kissed her senseless. She was never one to miss someone so much but she did she missed Lexa and it had only been some hours since she saw her. After a while of making out and innocent touches Lexa pulled away because no matter how much she wanted to take Clarke to bed, she had a much more important matter at hand. Lexa stood and looked at Clarke. She was pouting which Lexa found adorable.

"Meet me in the rose garden in 10 minutes?" Clarke cocked her head to the side, Lexa knows that's her trying to figure you out look so Lexa quickly made her way to the door after Clarke gave her a unsure nod. Lexa took one last look at Clarke before exiting the room. Was she crazy to be doing this so soon Lexa thought. She shook the thought out of mind and continued on her way to the rose garden hoping everything was set up and ready for when Clarke got there. Lexa knew she wanted nothing more than Clarke Griffin because without her Lexa's world didn't make any sense.

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