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*the morning after the wedding*

Lexa woke up to Clarke clinged to the side of her. She could get use to this every morning. Her wife was so beautiful in a sleepy state after a night full of love making. Lexa wondered how she could still be so stunning. She pondered over it only for a second before kissing her wifes head and slipping out of bed. Lexa wanted to be there when Clarke woke up but she has something important to do. Lexa went in her wardrobe picked out a nice white blouse and black suit pants to wear. Lexa put the presidential pin on for one last time. Lexa talked to Clarke last night about this being her last year as president but Lexa didn't want to wait any longer, life's too short and she wants to spend the rest of it with Clarke sooner than later. Today Lexa will be resigning as president. Lexa put on her dress shoes, checked herself in the mirror with a smile and headed for the door. Lexa turned around and looked at wife whispering to herself "For you Clarke" Lexa made her way out the door quietly.

Lexa was almost skipping down the hallway. Lexa headed over to the Congress to resign. Lexa didn't carry any security gaurds with her today, she sort of snuck away on her own plus she knows her security team are still probably hungover after all the heavy drinking last night. Lexa resignation won't look good on her behalf, a Madame President resigning for no good reason? Lexa did have a good reason her name is Clarke, thats her reason and thats the only reason she needs. Lexa smiled and opened the doors.

After about a hour of being in the Congress building she went to the rose garden to pick some roses for Clarke. She hoped Clarke would be happy with the decision she made. It was sooner than expected but it doesn't matter Lexa's resignation will be announced in a couple of days. Clarke will know about it sooner or later, better sooner.

After picking about a dozen of roses Lexa made her way back to the White House. Lexa made a detour to check up on some things.

"Hey Elliott" Elliot was the maintenance guy. Lexa always talked to him when she gets the chance to.

"Nothing much Madame President, just fixing a couple of things, you know the usual" Elliott laughed at his own joke. The guy was so corny to the point it made Lexa laugh.

"Hey I need for you to do something for me" Lexa leaned on the bench. "There's a god awful noise in my room coming from the vents. Do you think you could check it out for me"

"Say no more Madame President, I'd be happy to" he smiles.

"Thank you Elliott, really going to miss you" Lexa smiles and walks off before Elliott could ask anymore questions.

Lexa started her way down the path to the White House. Lexa used a different pathed so no one could see her. She didn't need security gaurds for a couple of hours out of The White House. Lexa took the path back to the White House and continued her walk sniffing the roses she had picked for her wife. As Lexa walked for a little while she started to notice the heavy footsteps behind her were getting closer. Lexa walked a little faster but not too fast. The footsteps picked up their pace. Lexa started to run down the path way. The one heavy footsteps she heard had now become two pairs of heavy footsteps. Lexa ran ditching the flowers, she didn't dare look back. The White House was now in her view she hoped she was in the clear but a damn rock made her stumble just as she was in clear sight of the White House.

The two men in mask caught up with Lexa and roughly picked her up. Lexa elbowed one of the guys and kicked the second one in the nuts. Lexa tried to make a run for it but a third guy stepped in front of her. He was way bigger than her and the other two guys. Lexa didn't even try to wrestle with him. The guy grabbed her by the arm as the other two men came over and grabbed Lexa by the legs. Lexa squirmed trying to get loose but there was no use. She had been captured. A white van pulled up and the men quickly shoved her into a car and drove off. That was the time anyone saw Lexa.


Lexa has been missing for a month. Not a word from the kidnappers, not a word on where she is, not a word from anyone. They have ran the car licenses plate but of course it was a fake. Octavia stayed in Washington DC because she was good at these things, finding people was her job but also her friend needed her in times like this. Anya has been filling in Lexa's duties since she's the Vice President. Anya is just like her sister, pretending like she's  tough and strong through all of this but just the other day she broke down in Ravens arms thinking the worst. The fact of the matter is that maybe they will never see Lexa again. Clarke has been taking this better than everyone else, well only in public. When she is alone, if you listen closely you can hear her endless sobs at night. Octavia stays with her every night, holding her, praying for her wife to return to bring back the light in her dear friend. Lexa's disappearance took a toll on everyone.

Clarke ran and ran down the hallway to the Oval Office. The secretary tried to stop her but Clarke made it to the door before she could. Once Clarke got inside there was Anya and Titus sitting on opposite sofas with a phone set on the table between them.

"Clarke you shouldn't be in here" Anya stood quickly.

"Are you talking to Lexa kidnappers, is that them!" Clarke tried to keep herself together she's been doing pretending very well but when she overheard Octavia talking to Raven about Anya being in contact with the kidnappers outside her room door, she lost it.

The secretary came in fast "I'm sorry ma'am she got in here before I could reach her" she lowered her head.

"Get her out of here, now" Anya raised her voice which she hardly ever did.

"Right away ma'am" the secretary grabbed a hold of Clarke's arm trying to pull her out of the room.

"Anya, please" Clarke said giving her a look, Anya knew that look. It was the same look she saw in her sisters eyes when she had gotten shot. It was the look that said this can't be happening, why her? It was the look of desperation and hope, even if it'll never come.

"Let her stay" Anya simply said. The secretary let Clarke go and exited the room. Clarke took a seat by Anya. "Not a word, okay?" Clarke nodded and Anya proceeded to pick up the phone.

"Hello Anya" It was a man with a thick accent. It made Clarke uneasy.

"Lets cut to the chase, what do you want for her" Anya spit.

"One billion dollars, by tomorrow" the man said, Anya laughed.

"Are you out of your mind, even if we did have that kind of money we can't just hand it all to you in one day" Anya looked at Clarke who couldn't stop fidgeting.

"That's not my problem" he retorted "One billion by tomorrow at three in the afternoon at parking lot B, or she dies" and that was the end of the call. 

"We have the money" Clarke yelled. "Give them whatever they want" at this point Clarke didn't care how crazy she sounded.

"We do Clarke but we can't get it to them in one day its impossible" Anya ran her fingers through her hair in frustration.

"How about we give them half and promise to get the rest of it another day" Titus interjected.

"How do suggest get half" Anya asked highly confused.

"There's a closed off bank account, its enough in it for half until we come up with the rest" Titus proposed.

Anya nodded "Get started on it, we don't have all day. Before Clarke could get a word out, the two had already exited the room.

Clarke still had a little hope left inside her and that's what kept her going. Lexa did everything to get Clarke back, so she was going to do the same.

Perception (Clexa)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang