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Lexa's lovely wife was rambling on about something. Lexa wasn't listening her eyes were still lingering on the beautiful woman that walked in ball not to long ago.

Lexa finally got out of hearing her wife's bickering and walked straight to the girl head held high. As soon as she went to speak she was on her way to the ground. Lexa quickly grabbed ahold of her waist. She smelt of peaches. Lexa cracked a smile and she turns around looking straight into her eyes and suddenly she felt like she was being held captive under those ocean blue eyes. In a good way.

She finally looked away and she spoke up. "I'm sorry Madame President, I did not mean to b-"
She starts but Lexa raises her hand and she's silent.

"It's quite alright" Lexa gives her a brief smile. "You see I was already on my way over here... to talk to you" she looks at Lexa, surprise evident on her face.

Then her face goes to confusion "Why?" She asked. "Well Ms...." Lexa starts.

"Griffin, Clarke Griffin" she say quickly. Lexa smiles at the name. It's different, unique.

"Well Ms. Griffin I came over to ask why you're the only one wearing red to this event?" Clarke smiles sheepishly, clearly embarrassed.

"My mom did not tell me the theme so here I am in this dress" Lexa chuckles and the girl smiles. It's the most gorgeous thing she'd ever seen.

"Well that's alright Ms. Griffin I would love to tell your mom thank you" Clarke looks at her confused. "Because you look rather ravishing in this dress" Lexa tell her and in return she gives Lexa another smile. Lexa finds herself smiling, a genuine smile.

She clears her throat holding out her hand. "May I have this dance Ms. Griffin" Clarke smiles before grabbing her hand. "I would love to, if you wouldn't mind" she turns towards the woman that Lexa had no idea was standing there.

"Sure you two have fun" the dark headed woman says. Lexa gives her a friendly smile and walk towards the dance floor with Clarke.

She moves with such grace, she's beautiful. Why would anyone call her cold hearted. Clarke can't help but smile. "Something on your mind Ms. Griffin?"

"Hm nothing, Madame President" Clarke says quickly, way too quick.

She smiles and says "Please call me Lexa" "only if you call me Clarke" she looks up at her and those forest green eyes stare into my ocean blues.

"Deal.... Clarke" she grins. Clarke get chills down her spine. The way her name rolls off her tongue is so exhilarating.

The song ends and Clarke nods towards Lexa and she smiles. Clarke start to walk off the dance floor when a hand grabs her wrist. Clarke turns around and sees Lexa smiling sheepishly. "Can I show you something" she asked.

Clarke gives her a small nod and she leads her to the back exit of the grand hall. Clarke didn't know what she was doing. She didn't even know her but she was letting her lead her into a dark garden but some how she felt safe. "I come here sometimes to clear my head Clarke" she says walking over to a switch.

"Why would a leader like yourself need to clear her head" Clarke ask. She smiles. "Well Clarke, everyone needs to clear their minds once and a while" she responds and turns on the switch making the whole garden light up. Clarke was speechless it was so beautiful the roses were perfect like her. Clarke looks at her with the biggest smile. "This is beautiful" she finally says.

"Just like you Clarke Griffin" she grins making Clarke smile even more, if possible. "So why exactly did you bring me here, if you don't mind me asking" Clarke ask curiously.

"Just trying to get to know you, I know mostly everyone that comes to my balls, but I have never seen you before and I know I can't forget a face like that. So Clarke Griffin what exactly do you do?" Clarke smiles at her words. She's quite the charmer Clarke gives her that.

"Well I work for you but mostly for myself in crisis management firm" she looks surprised as opposed to her answer. "You're the magnificent CG" Clarke laughs. "I didn't know that, that's what people are calling me" Clarke smiles to herself.

"You're well respected at the White House, although I've never seen your face until this day. How come?"

"I'm busy most of the time with cases and never really have the time" Lexa nods and places her hand behind her as they walk through the garden.

"I could very well understand that" she smiles.

We take a seat on a near by bench and they talk about everything they possibly could. If Clarke didn't know any better she'd say Lexa was flirting with her.

(3 weeks later)

Clarke and Lexa were in Lexa's apartment having lunch. Three bodyguards outside the door of course and security everywhere. They were becoming great friends for the past weeks they have talked about their lives before Lexa became president and before Clarke became so needed in Washington DC. Clarke was different from any other woman Lexa had met, she wasn't intimated by her. Clarke didn't see power, she saw a person. The way she talked about things with passion was amazing to Lexa. She was amazing to her.

"Lexa" she giggles. "Are you listening to me" Lexa loved the way she laughed. It's so heart warming.

She shoves her playfully and snap Lexa out of her thoughts. "What huh?" She smiles and repeats herself. "I said what are we doing tomorrow?" Lexa looks at those stunning blue eyes and smile.

"I have a busy day tomorrow I don't think I can squeeze you in" Lexa smiles playfully. Lexa did have a busy day tomorrow but not to busy for no Clarke.

She dramatically sighs. "I guess I'll just be at my office all alone then" she shrugs getting up to throw her trash away as well as Lexa's. "Well I think I can squeeze you in the morning time"

She smiles wide and from then on they talk and laugh about their crazy childhood stories. There was just something about Clarke that made Lexa forget all her worries.

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