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Lexa's POV

There's a reason I brought Clarke here. I want to finally share my life with her. Yes, she has talked about Australia multiple times but this is where I used to bring Aden and of course Raven too. This place was home to me. Aden didn't see me as the president of the United States he saw me as his mom. This place was to get away with just me and my beautiful son. God I miss him so much.

"Hey Lex what's wrong" Clarke gently caresses wiping the few tears that made its way down my cheek. "I used to bring Aden to this house" I breathed. After everyone got settled in we decided to part to our rooms and get ready for bed. Clarke only smiled and said, "Tell me about him..please?" I never really mentioned Aden to anyone after his death but somehow I wanted to tell Clarke. I took a deep breath and looked straight at Clarke. "He had the most beautiful smile, not just any smile a smile that could turn your bad days into something wonderful" I smiled and looked down at my hands. "I used to love hearing those little feet run into my room at early times in the morning" I tried to contain the tears in my eyes but I couldn't and I didn't see a point to do so.

Clarke wrapped her arms around me and kissed my temple. "He was so young and full of life, why didn't they take my life instead" uncontrollable sobs raked through my body. "Its okay" Clarke held me tighter whispering more comforting things in my ear. This was the first time I ever talked to someone about Aden. It felt good to let it all out. I started to chuckle remembering the time Aden saw me fall in a puddle. He laughed so hard at me that he started to snort. That was a good day, he was such a great kid. I sat up in the bed wiping my eyes. Clarke smiled at me it wasn't for pity it was as if she was happy. "I'm glad you told me this Lexa" I smiled and laid my head on her chest getting comfortable. "Me too" I spent the rest of that night telling her stories about Aden until we fell asleep.


The next morning I got up and went for a run and came back to fix breakfast, everyone was still asleep... of course. It's really different from my usual routine of having maids prepare and bring my food to me in The White House. Its not that I don't know how to cook or anything I'm more than capable of doing things on my own its just I never have the time to do normal things anymore.

"Mmm something smells amazing" I smiled as Clarke wrapped her arms around me. "Lets hope it taste as good as it smells" I laughed. Clarke left small kisses all over my neck. It was very distracting while trying to pay attention to the eggs on the skillet.

"Clarke..." she smiled against my neck and pulled away.

"Fine" I looked over my shoulder and saw her take a seat at the island. She really was a beauty in the morning.

After finishing the rest of the food I dished it out on the plates and set them on the table. Raven is usually up she's a morning person. Maybe the flight has her jetlag. I took a seat beside Clarke and picked up my fork she gave me a smile and we both began to eat. We ate in silence I don't know if we were too busy enjoying are food or we just didn't need to speak at all whatever it was, it was very comfortable.

"The power couple made breakfast" Octavia sat down at the island across from Clarke and I.

"Actually this beautiful thing made breakfast" Clarke turned her attention towards me and I smiled. "No way, the all mighty Madame President made breakfast for us" Octavia gasped. I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my breakfast ignoring Octavia's comment. Speaking of rude remarks. Where the hell is Raven she can't possibly still be sleeping? Can she?

"Have you seen Raven?" I looked up at Octavia.

"Hm.. no her bed was empty when I went by her room i thought she was down here with you guys" I looked at Clarke and she shrugged her shoulders. Where could Raven be.

"Excuse me" I stood from the table and headed for the back door. If I know Raven which I do, I know she couldn't have went far plus she use to love to hangout in this backyard. It has a nice view of Australian skies. Once I went outback it didn't take me long to spot Raven down by the pool with her feel in the water back turned. I slowly walked over and sat on the outer side of the pool.

"Hey little bird" I looked at her and she continued to watch her feet sway in the water. "What's wrong?" The last time I saw Raven look like this was when Anya was shot but even then she tried to keep the smile on her face. Raven was never the type to let anyone see her pain nor let her pain bring someone else down. It's the one thing I love about my best friend. She's strong. Always has been.

After about a minute of silence, she finally spoke. "I never thought I'd miss the little stinker so much" that's when I knew I wasn't the only one that had grieved Adens death. I did the only thing I could, wrapped my arms around my best friend and held her tight. "I miss him too Rae....I miss him too" Raven allowed herself to sob in my arms as I stroked strands of her hair.

After all of Raven tears dried up we headed back inside. Clarke could tell that we had some things that we figured out, out there but she didn't speak only nodded. Raven and Octavia went off into the living room while i accompanied Clarke in cleaning up the kitchen "Like I hell I'm letting you wash the dishes" Clarke shoved my hands away.

"What? Oh come on Clarke let me help"

"No" Clarke folded her arms. I know this trick all too well I also know how to make her give in. I only smirked at her "Whatever you are thinking Lexa....." Clarke slowly backed away. I took a step closer to her making her back up to the sink. "Let me help Clarke" I asked once more.

"No" Clarke stood her ground. I commenced her for that but now she was going to get it. I stretched out my hands and slowly reached for her stomach where I know for a fact she's ticklish. "Lexa don't" It was too late I started tickling her senseless while she squirmed "Let me wash the dishes" Clarke shook her head no laughing louder. Instead of surrendering Clarke reached behind her in a ticklish stage and grabbed a handful of suds smashing it against  my face. I stood there in shook while Clarke had the biggest smug plastered across her face. I smiled at her she was such a sight to see, so beautiful so perfect. 

"Hey creeper stop staring at me like that" she giggled. I slowly walked over to the sink and smirked when she squealed at the fact that I put a load of subs on her face. Somehow that started a suds fight and we were pretty much a mess in the end. I couldn't ask for anyone better than Clarke to be with. I haven't been this happy in a while and I want to be with her until the end of time but how do I ask someone so beautiful so imperfectly perfect to become mine forever. This is crazy I thought she would think I'm absolutely nuts but I am.. I'm nuts for her.

"You're staring again" Clarke said wiping the rest of the suds from her face with a dish towel "Why can't I have the pleasure of staring at my stunning girlfriend" Clarke blushed I'm happy that only I can make her do that.

Clarke took the bold move of stepping in front of me wrapping her hands around my waist and gave me the sweetest kiss.

"I love you so much" she whispered.

"I love you too" I whispered back leaning my forehead against hers. This was going to be forever she was my forever.

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