The Crazy Bitch

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Hey guys i promise i wont leave you in suspense again. From now on i wont.

I promise that this chapter will be great.

Xavier's POV

I looked up to see none other than my crazy Ex Beatrice.

"Xavi........ ". She says as if out of breath.

" What the fuck are you doing here?". I said.

"How can you ask me that, i am here for you ". She says all girly.

" No your not, your here to make hell of my life just like you did back then".

A couple years back things between us would have turned out a lot different.

Flash back.

"Xavi, wait, I'm sorry!". Brea yelled

"Look I'm Done with you, you were just a one night stand get over it ". I said to her

" A one night stand is that what you think of me?". She asked getting angry

"Obviously, that's what i just said".

"This is not over Xavier, i will get you to be mine, one way or another!". She yelled.

"Get the hell out!". I yelled seeing that my parents were not home.

" I will, but just so you know, i own you ". She says crazily.

" Yeah okay then, keep dreaming". I said and then she left.

That was the last i heard from her. Then she started to turn away every girl i was with from that, but they kept coming, i know she was crazy but not to kill a girl because i slept with her and we then went to the movies to hang out.

So yeah when i say she is a crazy bitch you know exactly what i mean.

"No I'm not ". She says sweet as can be.

" Do you mind, I'm kinda clearing my head, so if your here to run on the beach then your free to, but just know when you stand there i get less breeze and its kinda hot if you didn't know". I said harshly.

"Are you guys together?". She asked.

"What are you talking about?".

"The girl, you were coming from her house just now".

"Are you watching me, what the fuck is wrong with you?".

"Yes cant you see, i am in love with you, you are suppose to be with me, not her, not any one but me". She says.

"Now i prove that your fucking crazy".

"Crazy over you ". She says.

" Look get the fuck away from here, and I swear if any harm comes to Lisa i will have you killed". I said to her.

"Why don't you kill me, huh, are you scared, why don't you kill me with some fuck huh Xavi".

"Stop with that stupid Nick name, i hate it, and I Hate you so stop following me or you will live to regret it". I said to her seriously.

"I wont regret it if you come back to my place with me". She says.

"Are you listening to your self right now, your fucking crazy, your on drugs, you should be around others like you, mentally ill".

"Come on Xavi, you know you want me........... all of me ". She says licking her lips.

" No........... i don't.........  and if you see me refusing sex.......... it is a bad thing............... i am refusing you........... you need help ". I said to her like a five year old.

" Come on baby, you know you want to ". She says ignoring that fact that i wasn't turned on by her.

She unbutton her blouse and walked up to me seductively. Grinding her bare bones against me.

" Sorry but your kinda bony and that dont work on me,  especially when you do it". I said to her honestly

"If she did it would you feel anything? ". She asked.

".............. I wouldn't, i don't know ".

"You would".

"Just stop okay, now i was here first so beat it".

"Okay baby, but just know that i am yours and you will be mine". She says


Today was Aiden's birthday and of course i wanted to surprise him.

I got one of the helpers to order a cake and told Simon to call up some chicks so it would be a blast.

I think

In no time we were at his house with three girls and the guys came alone with their nerds.

"Hey player you made it ". Aiden says as he came to open the door.

" Yep and I brought you some cherries to pick". 

"Sweetttttt". I gave him the cake and of course a lot of teenage kids were around, mostly Aiden's age. After introducing him to the guys we walked around and laughed.

I prayed deeply not to see Annalisa

I cant stand to see her.

We went to the living room and the guys went towards the selector with their iPods to change the songs that they were playing.

Well the one and only song

'Happy birthday to you blah blah blah........ '

Suddenly on' my level' from 'Wiz Kalifa' started to play. I love this song, not because i use to smoke but its just a song you listen to bill you know.

Lisa then walked in with her legs all exposed and a tank top. I didn't even know she wore those things.

I guess she is not the good girl i thought she was after all. She glared at me and I looked the other way.

"Lets get this party started! ". Some crazy girl shouted.

Who knew it was indeed a crazy Mother fucker.

Brea what the fuck was she doing here. First it was this morning, now its at Aiden's party. What the hell is wrong with her.

She grabbed Lisa's hand and her palm slammed against her cheek. Without question. Lisa fought back, she hit Brea back and they started to fist fight.

Well this is going to be fun to watch.

Hey guys

At least i didn't leave you guys in suspense.

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