Is That What You Want

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Hey guys

I hope you are loving skin to skin

I love Xavier and Dylan


I went home and of course Dylan was there. I found something to eat and me always getting straight A's i took out a book and started to study.

Oh please who am i kidding.

Book what the fuck is that.

I turned on the television and my favourite movie was on.


The door bell rang and I was called by Celine one of the helpers.

I fucked her multiple times so yea i had to learn her name. She practically yelling if i got it wrong and her voice is so fucking annoying.

I walk out of my room and stopped at the top of the stairs when i saw who was at the door.

What the fuck.

"What the fuck are you doing here?". I asked.

Oh by the way it was Lisa.

"I just wanted to see if you were okay, i heard you were at the principals office ". She says.

" Yes i was".


"Why are you asking me these fucking questions?". I asked.

"What has gotten into you, i am just curious". She says.

"Well don't be, and if you really want to know i was about to have sex with Miss Pryce when he came in and saw us". I told her.

"........... Okay so that's why you have been avoiding me, you don't talk to me anymore". She says

"So do i have to talk to you?".

"No i guess not".

"Man, you little snick, isn't that the chick you said had diseases more than all the.......".

" Shut the fuck up". I yelled.

I glared at Lisa who was more than confuse.

"What is he talking about?".

"Its really a bad timing ". I said to her.

" Is she one of your little hocker's too, cant i have a little and then......... ".

" I said shut the fuck up".

"Fine fine but just asking, if she has diseases does that mean that you...... ".

" Dylan, say another word and you will fucking regret it". I warned.

The door bell rang again and Celine answered it.

The parents walked in.

"Hello parents what the fuck are you guys doing here?".

"Xavier, what the fuck were you doing at the principals office, and Dylan what the fuck were you doing at his school pretending to be his Dad, what the fuck is wrong with you children?". Dad yelled.

"Dad its Okay, everything is great, so do you mind going back through the door". Dylan said.

"Do you mind shutting the fuck up!". Dad says to him.

"You need to shut the fuck up!". Dylan says.

"No you need to....... ". Dad started before i got irritated and cut him off.

" Guys, you all need to shut the fuck up!". I yelled.

Lisa looked at me, then at all the strange faces around.

"I think I'm going to leave now". She says.

"Who the fuck are you anyway, one of Xavier's whores i suppose". Dad says.

"Father this is my fucking house and I have all the fucking right in the world to tell you to get the fuck out". I said to him.

"Fine ill get the fuck out ". He says and walk to the door.

" And father". I said stopping him. "Don't call my girlfriend a whore, you should say that while looking in a mirror". I said to him.

"Xavier ". Mom says

" Yes Mother you should probably join in too". I said to her.

"Xavier that means so much to me that you have a girlfriend, but i have something important to tell you....... fuck you". Dad  says and walked out the door with mom not too far behind.

"So that went well maybe we should........ ".

" Dylan either you shut the fuck up and go upstairs or you can go out the do the parents, you choose".

He shut Up of course and went upstairs

Its great being the last child and ruling over everyone.

Lisa looked at me with fear and shock planted over her face.

She held her head down and stepped back away from me.

"What is it?". I asked her

"Xavier who are you, i don't even know you, i thought i did but clearly i don't, we need to get things straight, if you don't want to talk to me then don't, and we can forget about the tutoring thing". She said with a little hurt in her voice.

I didn't answer

I didn't know how to.

She gave me one last look before she made her way to the door.

For some reason i walked in front of her and stopped her from leaving.

"Don't go". I told her

"Why not, give me one good reason".

"Because.... I want you to tutor me this evening". I said to her.

"Are you sure? ".

" Yeah i am".

"Okay i will help you, but you have to stop being such a jerk".

"Deal, but can i get in your panties first".

"Xavier!!!! ".

" Too much".


Hey guys

No i am seriously in love with bad boy Xavier.

Things are going to get worst but for now this is like the good side of Xavier.

Love you guys please vote and comment

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