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Hey guys so what do you think is wrong.

It may not be what you think and it may be what you think so read and you shall find out.


"Your......... Your mom is....... ".

" Mom is what?, mom is what Dad?". I asked him.

"I caught her with some guy in her office ". He says and looked away.

" But today is your anniversary ". I said to him.

" I know, i went to visit her with flowers and a reservation for two at one of the finest hotels, but when i got there i was more than shock at the image that i saw". He says painfully.

"Dad what was she doing?". Aiden asked concerned.

"I cant tell you that son". Dad says.

"Then tell me dad". I said.

He looked a side before he could answer. Is it that bad. He cant even say it in front of Aiden.

"She was giving a guy BJ". He says.

Oh my god.

"Whats a BJ?". Aiden asked.

"You don't need to know what that is as yet". Dad answers

"Dad I'm so sorry, but drinking is not going to help". I said changing the subject back to what it was.

"I know, but i cant seem to get the picture out of my head".

"I know ".

" Does this mean you and mom are going to be getting a divorce?". Aiden asked.

For a 13 year old he is a very smart kid but they cant get a divorce.

I'm not even in collage as yet.

Holy Mother of the sky what is happening to my family.


I was quit angry but sad all at once. I cant believe mom would do such thing, but I'm not on either side.

What if she was unhappy?

What if she was getting back at Dad?

What if Dad had done the same thing years ago?

But why on their anniversary?

I hate to be the one to fix things, especially between my mom and Dad.

I took up my cell and dialed her number.

First ring:Voice mall

Second ring:Voice mall

And on the third ring she finally answered

"Hey sweetheart, how........... Ahhhhhh............mmmmmmm....., I'm sorry sweetie but i cant talk right now". She says.

"You like that?". I heard a deep voice asked.

From the other line she sounded awful and she wasn't alone, it sound like she was having sex.

"Mom are you okay, where are you?". I asked her.

"Work...... I mean i cant tell you that". She says.

"Mom tell me where you are right now". I shouted.

"Okay okay, don't shout I'm at work...... Ah, bye....... Sweetie ". She says before she hang up the phone.

I cant believe that piece of bread.

She is just such a Mitch

I'm sorry to say this but i hate her

Its a strong word to use but i really do

I hate her for doing this to Dad, to me, and to Aiden

I'm sick of this switch

I got up from my bed and throw on my jacket. I took up my car keys and stormed out the door.

"Sis where are you going?". I heard Aiden asked from the door.

"To look for mom". I said angrily.

"Can i come?". He asked

"No you cant, its too late and i have to do this alone". I said to him.

"I'm coming, i cant afford to let anything happen to you, your all i have, you and dad". He says.

"................. You have mom too". I said trying hard to contain the tear that threatened to escape my eyes .

"Then let me come". He says annoyingly.

"Get in".

He hopped in the car and I speed off down the road.


I pulled up in my moms work place where only two cars where visible. My moms and some other car that had about two body guards around it.

They were dressed in black like they worked for some millionaire.

I parked my car and got out with Aiden not too far behind. The guards tried to stop us but we ran pass them and into the building.

When we got to the floor that my mom worked on. I heard weird sounds coming from her office. I slowly open the door as carefully as i could when i saw images i thought i wouldn't have. My hands flew up to cover Aidens eyes.

"Mom! ". I found myself shout.

She was naked as the day she was born with her legs around some guy. Her eyes were closed as if she was having the most fun in the world.

Well not before i interrupted the party.

When i shouted her eyes snapped open and the guy dropped her legs.

She quickly throw on her dress that was to the other side of the room and the guy pulled his pants up that was at his ankle.

This is just disgusting.

But i have that gut feeling that i always have.

That i know that guy. Yes his back was turned but his hair looked so familiar.

"Hey you". I said referring to the guy after Aiden fought my hand any from his face.

"What?". The guy says and turned around.

And holy fishes of the sea

"Anna what are you doing here?". Mom asked.

"How could you mom!!!!!! ". I shouted

It was...................

Hey guys i know this is the second time i am leaving you guys in suspense.

I love doing it

Who do you think it is huh

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Why do you think she shouted

Do you think Annalisa know who it is

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