Prologue + Trailer

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 I Dedicate this to my loving Family and Friends and all my lovely Readers!! :D

It's just one click but it means  a lot --------------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>


And don't forget to check out the trailer on the side and give your feedback! =D


A deep connection between you and I,

A link that we have always enjoyed.

I love you and I wish you were home,

It hurts me to think you're so alone.

It’s not the same without you here,

Why you did, what you did is still unclear.

I remember when we were little and we played in the yard,

Then we'd go sit inside and play cards.

You'd look at me and smile,

Your smile used to stretch a mile.

When I had a bad day you were the only one, who could make me laugh,

It’s like you were my other half.

It hurts me to see what you’re going through,

It hurts even more when I think what I can do.

I just wish I could make it all ok,

But all I can do for you is pray.

I pray for you every night before I go to sleep,

And every time I think I hear you creep.

Sometimes it’s like you're still here,

I look at the door and wait for you to appear.

And when one of us would fall,

The other gave a helping hand,

I know sometimes I may whine

But deep down I really want you to find

That you are smarter than you think.

Smarter than me – in some ways

Wiser than you know -

You have experienced pains and joys

Some twice your age have never seen

Because of all of this you are three times the man

It’s a painful truth that we've grown slowly apart,

But you've always been in my heart.

It was hard to do what I did

I did it with my choice? God Forbid

I hope you will come to know about the truth someday,

But now all we have to do is go away.

I hope you all liked it…. It gives a little glimpse of what the story holds … Don’t forget to comment, vote and become a fan :]

Source: With modification by me. :D

P.S: There will be some paragraphs in the story taken directly from Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince written by the queen, J.K. Rowling. :)


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