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~January 30, 2015~

I stared at the girl in the mirror. This wasn't the same girl from two years ago. The one that was filled with so much overwhelming pain and confusion. This girl was a fighter, a survivor. This girl never gave up, although sometimes she came awfully close to it. The girl had overcame the obstacles life had thrown at her with the help of the people that she valued the most.

That girl was me.

I looked down to my wrists. They used to be covered in scars. Those scars were gone now.

I never imagined actually settling down with somebody. I always thought that nobody would fall in love with me, that I was worthless and didn't deserve anybody's love. Yet, today, I was marrying the love of my life.

I straightened out my veil and started to smooth down my beautiful white dress. I was interrupted by the door flying open and the familiar face of my best friend appeared in the doorway.

"Hey Cass!" I greeted her. She squealed and ran over to me, grabbing my hands and plopping down on the stool beside me.

"Aren't you so excited!" She yells and squeezes my hands. I flash a small smile. "I'm more nervous than ever!" I exclaim and let out a sigh.

"Why are you nervous? What could go wrong?" Cassidy asks. I shrug my shoulders. "I dunno, I could trip and fall, Louis could decide that he doesn't love me anymore, I could pee myself, Louis could pee himself, the whole church could burst into flames..." I start listing off onto my fingers.

"None of that is going to happen April! Calm down!" Cassidy assures me.

"I know" I sigh and look down at the floor. Cassidy brings one hand to my chin and tilts my head up.

"Hey, you have nothing to worry about. Now go out there and kill it in that dress!" She cheers me up.

I giggle and pull her into a tight hug. "I don't know what I would do without you"

We separate and she starts heading back towards the door. Before she leaves, the turns around and motivates me "Now go knock 'em dead!"

"I'll try not to!" I answer and she winks before disappearing out into the hallway.

I stand up and brush off the back end of my dress. It is time to go now. I check my hair one last time in the mirror before heading out. I walk down the hallway to the grand entrance. I peer through the little stained glass window and into the church. The pews were filled with my close friends and family, all talking and laughing in excitement.

"Are you ready?" Somebody surprises me. I spin around on my heels and start to fall over. I'm caught by my twin brother, Niall, who had scared the crap out of me.

He laughs. "Sorry about that!"

I wave it off and regain my balance. "So are you?" Niall asks. I sigh.

"I am as ready as ever, but I'm as nervous as ever also. I just really want to begin!" I exclaim. Niall laughs and grabs my hand.

"Well we were waiting on you. I'll go tell the pastor that you are ready!" He tells me and begins to run off. I reach for his arm, but he is already running. "Niall wait!" I yell.

"Stay right where you are! I'll be right back!" Niall yells back at me. I drop my hands and sigh for what seems to be the millionth time today. Niall was to walk me down the isle since my father dissapeared. I remember when we heard the news that nobody knew where he was.

It was a few days after Christmas. We were already concerned when he didn't even show up on Christmas, like he had promised. It was around a week after New Year's Day when we got the news from the police department. Apparently when they checked his apartment, everything had been packed up and moved. The was nothing left but an empty shampoo bottle and a half-eaten bag of pretzel goldfish. That night, I stayed in the bathroom for a long time before I began to cut again. The next morning, Louis found me on the bathroom floor, passed out with a razor in my hand. We spent the whole day snuggled together, watching old movies. He comforted me and treated my wrists. That goes to show how much love can fix anything in the hardest times. I would not be here if it weren't for the people that loved and cared for me.

Today is one of the greatest days of my life, and I have the most wonderful people to thank for all of this.

Niall comes sprinting down the hallways and slides to a halt an inch away from the door. He bends over to catch his breath. I laugh and put my hand on his back. "You ok?" I ask. He nods his head and stands back up. "We're about to go!" He exclaims and hooks his arm around mine.

He turns to look at me in the eye. "I knew this day would come, but I never thought I would be the one to walk you down the isle" he says. His eyes begin to water, and I feel mine begin to too. The classic old-school wedding music begins to play, queuing us that it was time to go.

Niall winks at me and we both get into ready position. The grand doors slowly begin to open, revealing the seemingly huge room. But most importantly, standing on the little stage that was straight down the isle, was my handsome groom. Louis smiled at me as I got closer and closer. Cassidy's brother and sister both walked in front of us. They we also twins, but they were only 7 years old. They had both agreed to be the flower girl and ring bearer.

I heard everybody around me gasping in excitement. My mom beamed at me from the front row. Cassidy and my two other best friends, Katherine and Lilian were standing on one side of the stage in their matching purple dresses. Katherine was Zayn's girlfriend, and Lilian was Liam's new fiancée. We had all met around two years ago.

In a line next to Louis stood Liam, Zayn, Harry, and Ethan. They were wearing matching purple ties.

Before I knew it, I was already halfway down the isle.

The day had came before I knew it. One day I was in 4th grade, having my first boyfriend. Of course that only lasted a week. Now, I'm 22 years old; and I'm marrying the love of my life.

Me and Niall stopped in front of the steps. He turned and kissed me on the cheek before walking away and sitting on the pew next to my mother. Before I walked up the steps, I turned and met eyes with Niall.

"I love you" I heard his voice in his head. "I love you too. Thank you so so much" I thought back. Me and him had kept out twin telepathy and still used it every once and a while.

I turned back to face Louis. I slowly walked up the few steps up to the little stage. Flowers of all colors hang and wove around us. I couldn't put into words all of the emotions that I felt. Today was the day that my life would change forever. I'm growing up without even realizing it.

I was too busy looking into Louis eyes to hear what the priest first said.

"Louis, do you promise to treat April with respect, be by her side, and never hurt her?" The priest asked.

"I do" Louis answered. His facial expression became impatient. That goes to show that even in the most important times, Louis is still his self.

"April, do you promise to listen to, respect, and never leave Louis?"

"I do"

I never thought that I would say these words. I never thought that I would commit to someone. I never thought that someone would want to commit to me. But here I am, and I couldn't be more happy any other way.

"Then you may kiss the bride. Until death do you part" the priest says.

This is it. This moment, one of the most important ones of my life, was happening. I felt the adrenaline rushing through my veins.

Louis put one arm firmly around my back as he slightly leaned me over. The last thing I saw was his beaming face before our lips touched and my eyes shut. Our kiss was passionate, yet soft and loving. Louis leaned me back up and we both opened our eyes.

We both were beaming as everybody clapped and cheered. My eyes met Niall's eyes. He smiled and nodded at me. I looked back at Louis and he gave me a small peck on the lips.

It was a weird thought. I, April Horan, am now a married woman. A woman. I overcame all of my past problems, and I am well prepared for any other problems that life throws me. I overcame depression, confusion, suicidal thoughts.... Everything, and now I am here.

I have opened a new chapter of my life, filled with more opportunities. I am not a child anymore.

It's time to face life head on, and this time, I am ready.


~Important authors note next chapter~

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