Chapter 19

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Soooo.... Ummm.... I'm really tired. But, I have decided to update because there might be no other time this week to update seeing as I HAVE NO TIME FOR ANYTHING ANYMORE. Ugggggg. I used to have too much time and now that school has started I can't do anything.

Welp, with all complaints aside... Lets get to writing!


(Remember we are still flashbacking)

I hear a loud heave as my eyes start to open and my surroundings become more visible.

I snap my head back to see Ethan pushing me up into the branches of the tree. "Ethan?" I manage to say.

His eyes meet mine and he smiles. "Hey April, are you ok?" He asks. He supports me while I lean my back against the branch of the tree. At first I don't recognize it, but then I realize that it is our special tree. The tree that we had been meeting at for the past two years.

"April?" He asks again. I snap back into attention.

"Well, to be honest, I feel really dizzy" I answer and put my hand on my forehead. I feel cloth brush against my forehead. I pull my wrist into vision and see some type of fabric wrapped around my wrist that I can tell used to be green, but is now soaked with blood.

Then I remember what had happened. "Wait, how long have I been out?" I question Ethan.

He runs his hand through his dirty blonde hair and then looks at the watch on his wrist. (I almost put "the wrist on his watch".... Genius Julianne)

"About an hour. I had to carry you to the park"

"Oh I'm so sorry, I know I am heavy and I know it must have been hard for you" I tell him and drop my gaze.

He guffawed. (I like that word) "You aren't heavy! You are actually really light, have you been eating?" He asks.

I look back up at his eyes and give him a look that says "oops"

"April! Have you been starving yourself?" He almost yells. I slowly nod my head. "You need to eat, now" he demands me.

"I can't" I say as tears start to form in my eyes.

"Give me one good reason why you shouldn't" he snaps. His facial expression shows regret as soon as he finishes his sentence.

I look him in the eyes "Because then I will be fat"

"You aren't fat and never have been fat. Who has been telling you that you are fat?" He asks.

"Gina, Tara, myself. And I'm sure the whole school thinks that too" I tell him. A tear starts to roll down my cheek.

Ethan cups his hand around my chin and begins to talk. "April Rose Horan, you need to stop listening to them. You aren't fat, you aren't ugly, everybody I know says that you are one of the coolest girls they know. You need to stop thinking that way and start putting on a better mindset now"

My lips form a small smile. "Thankyou" I whisper and envelope him into a hug. He wraps his arms tighter around me and whispers back "No problem, I'm just telling the truth"

We stay hugging for a long time before I suddenly feel the weight of my body shift along with Ethan's.

Before I can say anything, we both fall out of the tree. I shriek and squeeze my eyes shut.

I suddenly feel a soft thing squish below me. My eyes pop open and I see lots of leaves. A sigh of relief escapes my lips. "Thank god there was a bush there" Ethan laughs.

I laugh too, and then realize that we are still hugging. My laughter turns into an awkward giggle as I try to pull away.

But Ethan pulls me in tighter and whispers into my ear again "I meant everything I said up there. You are the most gorgeous girl I know"

I blush and turn my head to where it is facing his. He leans in a little closer and before I can think anything else, my lips are pressed against his.

We stay like that for a few seconds (remember they are only 14) , but it feels like minutes.

We both smile and I lean my head against his shoulder.

We stay there, both laying in the bush, staring off into the clouds and thinking. I felt comfort and happiness, one of the things I hadn't felt in a long time.

I couldn't have asked for a better first kiss


Asdfghjkl romance. I feel happier after writing this.

But this was before Louis. Probably one or two more flash back chapters and then Ethan will ffffiiiiinnnnallllyyyy get to the tree :p

I have more fanfiction ideas for after I finish this. But there won't be an end to this story anytime soon (well, probably not for this next month)!

Well, I'm going to try to update my other book, free, now. That reminds me, I almost passed out yesterday, which cancelled my plans to update. There will be more details on that at the end of free.

Ummmmmm.... Peace, love, and noodles!

I would really appreciate it if you voted for this story and if I get 100 votes by tomorrow night, I will begin to work on an extra long chapter ;)

-Julianne :3

PS: I mean EXTRA long ;))))))

PSS: Manipulation alert

PSSS: I don't even know what ps means, so maybe I should stop...


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