Chapter 4

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HIHI guys!!!!!!! I'm in New Orleans!!! Well, actually I'm in the car going to New Orleans and will update when I'm there soooooo.... Ill be there when you read this. I HOPE THE HOTEL HAS WIFI!!!!!!! I will find some though!! I'm like a detective, I can find wifi quickly!

Please god, help me survive this boring six hour ride

Anywaysssssss here is the chapter!!!


Me and Niall met early the next day in the symmetry to plan how to get April out.

Niall finally came running thought the twisted path In the peak of dawn. The sun was rising. It was a beautiful collage of orange, yellow, and purple, all streaming down to the earth and through thy sky.

"Hey Niall" I greeted him. He was panting like a dog, out of breath.

"My mum saw me escape so I had to ran fast" he explained. "ES-COP-AY" I yelled, immeadeatly remembering finding Nemo. It's a kids movie but I still love it!

"Now do your magical twin thing" I demanded. "Okay" he said and grabbed my wrist. "Hey April" I heard in my brain.

"Hey Niall is Cassidy with you?" I heard back. "Yeah. Say hi Cassidy!" Niall sent. "hey April. We need to get you out of there!!!" I sent. This is so confusing to me. How could somebody do this with their heads? I must be crazy.

"Yea. Maybe y'all could hire somebody to open the concrete.... Thingy" April sent. "Yea, buy they would think I was crazy and say no" Niall sent.

"But as crazy as it is, you have a ton of money!" I sent. "Yea but Simon would be so mad if I blew it all" Niall sent. I laughed.

"NIALL JAMES HORAN!!!!!" Niall's mum came running over in her robe and slippers. "Don't run away again. You are supposed to be visiting family!" She yelled in anger.

"Sorry, Niall just really wanted to see April's grave and told me to meet him" I made up. I think she started holding back tears "Oh hey Cassidy! Where are your parents?" She asked.

"Oh they are in America, so I've been staying with Zayn lately" I explained. "Oh, now Niall you better come back home now!" She yelled and started pulling him by his ear. "I guess we will talk later" I sent really fast.

"Bye Mrs. Horan!" I yelled and ran off towards the hotel me and Zayn were staying in.


"I guess we will talk later" was the last thing Cassidy sent before she ran off. I sat in the corner of the concrete room and sighed.

My stomach growled. I. Am. Starving.

I'm just like my brother. Food is one of my favorite things. "Ugghhhhhhhh" I groaned and rolled onto my stomach, hoping that maybe that would help.

That just made me feel more hungry. The only thing I had to eat was gum, and that's not much. I got a piece out and chewed it. I still had 17 pieces left.

I sat and thought. I remembered Louis. I miss him so much. I wish Louis could realize that I was alive so he could be more happy. I really hope I can get out of here.

Hopefully somebody helps me within forty days. That is how long somebody could live with just water. I had could a bottle of water in the casket for some reason. Why the heck would somebody do that?

I got really bored so I started singing "the song that gets on everybody's nerves"

"This is the song that gets on everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves, everybody's nerves! This is the song that gets on everybody's nerves, lalalalalalaaaaaa!!!!"

I sang the song in till I passed out from being tired.


"Owowowwowowwwww" I complained as my mom dragged me by the ear all the way to my house and onto the couch. She let go of my ear.

"Now sit" she commanded and pointed at the couch. I obeyed. "Why were you out so early?" My mom asked. "I was visiting April" I explained.

"You make that sound that she's alive and you visited her house" my mom told me. "But she is alive" I explained.

My mom looked me in the eyes "honey, April is dead. You have to accept the fact that she is" my mom said, tearing up a little.

"No she is not dead!! Me and Cassidy were talking to her through out brains!" I exclaimed like it was the most normal thing ever.

"No Niall she is dead. You are making this up its not true! You can ask Cassidy!" I yelled and stormed up to my room.

I pouted and kicked the wall like a little kid.

April is NOT dead! I will show them. I will save April.


I'm finished and we are just in Mississippi now! I little more than half way. I took ALOT of breaks while writing this.


The team from cheer perfection is going to be there! That show embarrasses cheer because:

1. It mainly shows this one team that is a level 2. Nothing against level two teams, I was on one last year, but I want to watch a level five team!!!

2. It hardly even shows the cheerleaders. It's all about the moms.

3. I'm pretty sure that gym was chosen because of all the moms fighting.

Yah. But the main team on there is going against the juinior level 2 team at my gym. All the teams that I'm competing against I have never heard of.



-Julianne xoxo

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