Chapter 13

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I sat in my room at the mental hospital, bouncing a ball back and forth off of the wall.

Not only is the mental hospital scary, but it is extremely boring. (I had to stop writing at this point and sleep because it became 4 AM)

I heard a tapping sound at the window. I turned around to see what was making the noise.

The face belonged to Cassidy, she must've climbed up three storys to get to my room. I slid the tiny window open. "What are you doing here!?" I whispered.

"Me and Zayn are gonna help you escape!" She told me. "Wait, I thought you hated Zayn?" I ask her with hurt hinting in my voice. "I forgave him" she told me.

"Oh" I murmured.

"Do you think you can fit through this window?" She asks me. "Nope" I could tell before trying to squeeze out. "Well, I think I can" Cassidy told me and slid through the hole.

"Now what?" I ask.

"I think I have an idea"

She poked her head out of the window and yelled something I couldn't hear over the rain.

"Zayn is gonna meet us up front. I will cause a distraction while you sneak past. As soon as you get out of the door, bolt!" She whispered the plan and I nodded my head.

Cassidy opened the door a little and went through. I followed about five yards behind her, against walls and behinds things so nobody could see me.

As soon as she walked into the lobby, she started screaming.

A nurse ran over to her and tried to ask her what was wrong. Cassidy just kept on screaming. I saw her glance over and wink at me. I winked back

I slowly went through the door to the lobby and creeped against a wall. The nurse started to look over my way but Cassidy caught it and pointed to the opposite wall and yelled "WHAT'S THAT!?"

The nurse started to try to clam her down because her screaming was making people complain.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" The nurse finally snapped. Cassidy of corse changed her screaming to tears. "Oh no, I'm so sorry sweetie" the nurse apologized.

Cassidy better be careful or they are going to take her in!

Right as I was opening the door, Cassidy immediately stopped crying. Those the nurse "Bye! Have a nice day!" And walked casually towards me. She took my elbow and led me out of the door.

As soon as we were out, we started running, meeting Zayn at his car.

We climbed in soaked by the rain. Once I started breathing right again, I thanked them. "No problem" Zayn told me.

"My voice hurts from all of that screaming" Cassidy whines. "It'll get better I promise" Zayn told her and gave her a peck on the lips. I felt a feeling of jealousy.

We were pulling onto the street that I lived on when I saw tons of blue flashing lights.

"We're screwed"


"We're screwed"

Zayn slowly made a u-turn and started driving away. We heard sirens behind us intill we realized there were two police cars following us.

"Quick! Gas it!" I yelled. Zayn pressed his foot down on the pedal as hard as he could and we started going super fast. "Not that fast!" Niall shrieked.

Zayn slowed down a little but he was still going pretty fast. "We're all going to jail" I wailed.

The police cars behind us were on our tail.

Zayn speeded up.

All of the sudden, the wet road made us hydroplane.

The only things I can remember next are flipping and shattering glass.


Another cliffhanger!

I did join so ask me questions @juliannekk

Also, I started a youtube account so maybe more info on that later once I get started.

So, thats all for now!



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