Chapter 2

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"Hey Lou" I greeted one of my best mates as he walked into the studio. "Hey Niall! Where are the others?" He asked.

"They are waiting for you so we can record the new song!" I exclaimed. "CRAP IM LATE AGAIN!" Louis exclaimed and ran into the studio. "Glad you finally showed up" Liam said.

"Sorry, I went to visit April's grave" louis said and suddenly looked like he wanted to cry.

April was on the way to a double date with Cassidy and Zayn when they crashed. Cassidy lived but her lung almost closed in from the pressure of the seatbelt. Louis loved April.

I missed April so much. Even though we fought and she was annoying at times, but she was my twin sister. Tears stung at my eyes, threatening to spill over. But I couldn't believe she was dead. I refused to believe it.

"It's okay mate. One day you will see her again. And she will never leave you again, right by your side in heaven" zayn said and pointed to the sky. More like the ceiling but I got what he ment.

"Thanks" I said and nodded my head. "Oh hey Niall" Cassidy said as she walked in the room. "Here's your water" she said to zayn and handed him a water bottle. "Thanks" he said and pecked her on the lips.

"What's wrong with those two?" Cassidy said and gestured to me and Louis. 'April' Harry mouthed to her. She nodded her head. I noticed her blinking in tears.

"Hey I got a new ring tone!" Liam said and played it to show us.

"Ooohhh, miss international love" it played and continued with the song. Cassidy burst into tears. She got on her knees and sobbed. "What's wrong with it?" Liam asked. He looked truly confused. We all did.

"That" sob "was the song that was playing" sob "when April. When she died!" Cassidy gasped out. She was torn. We all were. All the boys were friends with April, but Cassidy was her friend since kindergarten.

"Let me calm her down" zayn said and took Cassidy to the bathroom.

"We need to start recording now!" Uncle Si yelled. Harry went to get Zayn and we stater recording.

"FREEEEDOMMM!!!" Louis yelled as he ran out of the studio, with us behind him.

We had borrowed a recording studio walking distance from my house in Ireland because Simon was on vacation and did not want to fly off somewhere else.

We walked to my house for lunch. It was a pretty day and there were flowers and trees in full bloom. It was may.

We walked passed the graveyard April was buried in. I ran in. I ran down the twisted path to April's grave. I finally got there. I didn't know what made me run here. The rest of the bunch was running over to me.

April's grave was surrounded by her favorite kind of flowers. They were a pretty shade of red.

I suddenly felt a connection.

I got on my hands and knees, leaning my head towards the ground.

"What are you doing?" Cassidy asked. "Hang on" I told her.

I saw a glow underneath the tombstone. I put my hands on top of the glow. This felt special, like I was connected to April.


I saw a glow on top of the concrete ceiling. I was drawn to put my hands on it.

I had to stand on the casket, but I touched the glow. Niall.

It was Niall I just knew it. I suddenly felt something click. "Niall! Niall? Can you hear me?" I asked. Not out loud but in my head.

"April is that you?!?!?" Niall asked back through his head. "Yes! We must be doing that twin telepathy thingy!" I shouted in my head.

"Are you alive?" He asked. "Yes! I just woke up! How long has it been since the crash?" I asked.

"A year!" He exclaimed. "Wow" I sent back.

"I have to go now. The boys are dragging me away because they think I'm crazy!" Niall said. "Bye. Promise you will come back?" I asked.

"Promise" he sent back


Yay I updated!!!!!!!!!!!

This actually got on the popular fan fiction page! Yay!



-Julianne xoxo

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