Chapter 9

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I stroked my ankle. It was wrapped in pink silk ribbons that were on my coffin. That sounds weird every time I think of it.

The fact that it was "my" coffin.

It had been two days since I hurt my ankle and I had no food, limited water supply, and I felt light headed. Worst of all, Niall haven't spoken to me. He usually does every day and I'm worried sick.

Also, my cracked iPhone was on 3%. Not good. Not good at all.

I checked the time. 9:30 AM. Time for breakfast! I took out my second to last piece of gum and chewed it for a while. Pathetic breakfast right. After the flavor disappeared, I swallowed it.

I got up to get some water.

As soon as I stood up, I lost balance and fell, hitting my head on something hard.

I landed perfectly inside my coffin. As soon as I landed, the impact made the top close.

It came down and hit me in the head even more, making me no longer conscious.


I sat up fast as somebody opened the door to the shed. Niall's arms were still around me.

A man walked into the shed. Once he saw us, he eyed us suspiciously. "What are you two doing here?" He demanded.

Niall woke up "huh?" Was all he said.

I started to stand up. "Hiding. We were hiding. I'm sorry sir never again bye!" I lied as fast as I can and helped Niall up, took his hand, and we ran off.

"Next time, get a room!" The man yelled after us, obviously not believing me. It wasn't a total lie. We were hiding from the storm!

As soon as we got out of the symmetry, we stopped.

I panted breathlessly. "That was close" he said, still shocked from the rude awakening. Both our stomachs growled at the same time. I laughed. "Let's go get something to eat" I suggested. Niall nodded and we went over to his house.

As soon as we walked in, we saw his mom sitting on a couch. She turned around to see who came in the house without knocking or ringing the doorbell.

"NIALL JAMES HORAN!" She yelled as soon as she saw us. "You scared me so much! Where were you!?!?!" Exclaimed.

I could tell he was thinking up an excuse. "We were all spending the night at Louis hotel room" he lied. So much lying today.

Ms. Horan sighed. "Next time, call me" she told me.

"Muuuuuuuuum! I'm a grown man!" He whined.

"Well, you will always be my baby" she told him and kissed his forehead like I wasn't even here. Niall's face turned the color of a rose. "Stop embarrassing me!" He pushed away his mother.

"Its fine Niall! Cassidy has a mum to and I'm pretty sure she does the same thing" ms. Horan said gesturing to me. "Isn't that right?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Yup, my mum used to always be on my case when I lived with her. She stalked me on social media to make sure I wasn't talking to anybody I didn't know" I told them. Niall stuck his tongue out at me.

"Whatever" he shrugged and walked towards the kitchen. "NOW LET EAT!"he yelled and ran into the kitchen, suddenly forgetting how depressed he was.


"But I was a jerk!!" I yelled and sobbed some more. I still can't forgive my self. I deserved being punched. It was all my fault that I jumped to conclusions.

"It will be ok. We will talk to Cassidy" Liam assured me.

"No it won't! She hates me because I didn't believe her!" I screamed and threw the ice pack that was on my nose at the wall.

"Don't get your panties in a wad Zayn! I'm sure she still loves you!" Louis comforted me.

"No. I threw away what was ours. We were planning to grow old together, to be in love forever. And I RUINED IT!"


Sorry if its short. I had nothing planned. But I have other things to say.

I know the amount of readers went down rapidly on both my current books. But I have a conclusion. Please help me promote my book and get it back on top. I know I sound selfish.

If you give me a promo on your book or somebody else's book, I will help promote you. I am thankful for all the readers the stuck around through my absence. I just hate that I lost so many. So please, (I sound even more selfish now) vote, comment and promote. It would mean a lot.

Plan 6 feet up to the top (my clever naming skilllllllllzzz ;D) is a GO!

- Julianne xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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