Chapter 23

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~~~6 Months later| December 24, 2013~~~


"Merry Christmas!" Cassidy exclaims and hugs me. She leads me through the long hallways and into the ballroom. I look around in shock.

"This is just so..... Amazing" I'm still in awe of the huge ballroom. It's filled with beautiful decorations, a DJ station, a buffet table, and not to mention, there were a load of people.

"How did you manage to do this?" I ask Cassidy, but I don't get a reply. "Cassidy?" I ask and look where she was beside me. She is already off greeting more guests. I sigh and head off to where Louis told me to meet him, at near corner closest to the buffet table.

I get a glimpse of him standing in the corner, drinking a glass of what looked like fruit punch. I weave my way through the crowd of dancing people in his direction.

"Louis!" I yell, but I am drowned out by the festive music. The song playing is called " The Jingle-bell Rock" if I am correct.

Louis's eyes meet mine and they instantly light up. I see his lips moving, but can't hear what he is yelling. He tosses his drink into the trash and advances toward me. Once we meet I jump onto him and wrap my legs around my torso. He laughs and spins me around and sets me back down.

I kiss his cheek and smile.

"Merry Christmas!" I tell him. He shakes his head and points at the clock that reads 11:00. "Not yet" he says. We make small talk for a while and talk to a few friends. I'm glad that most people are keeping their cool and treating Louis like normal, and not fanning over him like the celebrity he is.

Niall runs up to us in his fancy suit and purple tie that matches the color of Cassidy's dress.

"Have you seen Cassidy anywhere?" He asks us. Louis shakes his head. "I think she might be near the entrance. I think she is greeting people since she is the host of the party and all that jazz" I mention.

Niall thanks us and hurries off. Louis laughs. "You should have matched your tie with my dress!" I tease him. I knew there was no way that he would have worn a sparkly red tie.

"Girl please" Louis replies in a ghetto voice and snaps his fingers. He still has that sass, even if he turned 22 years old today. I already visited him this morning and got him a present. It was a silly pink shirt with a hamster on it and a nice, "manly" ring. He wore them both for the rest of the day.

Suddenly, the music stops and the DJ's voice blasts through the speakers. "Would everybody please join on the dance floor for a few songs before the clock strikes 12. You do not need a partner!"

"Let's go!" I exclaim and pull Louis towards the dance floor. As we get there, the music begins to play.

I recognize the song immediately. "Timber" begins to play. (Now is the time to play dancing music, if you are really in the mood)

It's going down

I'm yellin' timber

You better move

You better dance

Me and Louis begin to dance. I'm surprised by his dancing skills.

"I didn't know you could dance this good" I remark. Louis smirks and begins to dance to the beat of the music. He is a little hard to keep up with at first, but I eventually get the hang of it.

Soon, it seems like we're gliding across the floor. It is very spacious on the floor, so we don't bump into anyone. He occasionally picks me up and spins me around. He has the biggest grin on his face, and I'm pretty sure I do too.

When the song comes to the end, he twirls me inwards and dips me backwards, planting a kiss on my lips. He stands me up and I suddenly hear loud clapping. We both look around.

No wonder we had so much space, everyone had cleared out to watch us. I guess I never noticed because I was too caught up in the moment. I blush and do my best curtsy.

"Now, everyone find a partner for this last dance! If you don't have one, then find someone new to dance with. You never know, you could be finding your soulmate!" The DJ announces. Louis puts his arms around me.

I see a couple guys asking girls if they would like to dance with them. It's honestly really sweet of them.

The music begins playing one of my favorite Christmas songs, "All I want for Christmas is you" By Mariah Carey. (Now time to play Christmas music for extra effect)

Louis puts his arms on my hips, and I put mine on his firm shoulders. We begin slow dancing along to the music, softly swaying. I get lost in his gorgeous blue eyes, staring into his pupils. We begin to get faster and faster, along with the music.

I notice Cassidy and Niall beside us. She winks at me and we do a fist bump behind our boys' backs. I go back to staring at Louis. He has a huge grin on his face.

We do a fast paced dance along to the beat, not missing a step. I think on the past year and all of its craziness. Life has finally sorted itself out. From depression, loneliness, and hurt; and then my "death". After years of struggles and hard experiences, my life was finally normal-well, sort of.

I'm caught up in my thinking. Without all of these key people in my life- Niall, Cassidy, Louis, Ethan.... I would be nothing. I can't imagine life without them. My thoughts are interrupted by a loud gong-like noise.

The clock changes to 12:00. The crowd erupts in a loud cheer.

Me and Louis speed it up. He sweeps me off of my feet, making me feel like I'm flying. As the song gets to its last parts, all of the feelings seem to come alive. I feel an adrenaline rush like I've never felt before.

Make my wish come true....

Baby all I want for Christmas, is youuuuuu

We close the gap between us and kiss. This has got to be one of the best moments of my life, and I couldn't be sharing it with any other person. Our lips move in sync and we still are spinning slowly in a circle.

The music begins to fade out. We separate and put our foreheads together.

"I love you April" Louis whispers as he stares into my eyes.

"I love you too" I whisper back.

We stay like that for the rest of the night, dancing with our arms around each other, ignoring all of our surroundings. I felt so relaxed in Louis's arms. Together, we we unstoppable.

I finally felt like my life was back on track, that everything was piecing itself together.



This was really powerful for me to write. I'm just I don't know to explain my feelings. You guys know what I mean, right?

Anyways, I am in the Christmas spirit. Y'all have know idea how pumped I am for Christmas. I am even wearing a Santa hat on my head and listening to Christmas music. This is real.

On another note, I don't know if I have mentioned this yet, but my new fanfiction "misplaced" is now available on my profile and I would love if you guys could read it!

QOTD (question of the day):

What is your favorite Christmas song?

Mine is "All I want for Christmas is you".


Consider this chapter an early Christmas gift from me to you :)

I love you guys <3

-Julianne xoxo

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