Chapter 11

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AN: I'm sorry it has been a week since I last updated 6 feet down!!!! I just have so much time on my hands I don't know what to do with it all so I sit all day and be lazy!

I'm gonna try to update by tonight (it's Sunday) sooooooo.... Yah.


Now they are really going to think I'm messed up.

I really thought April was alive. I felt it. I thought it was real. But it's not. I was just being delusional.

The worst part is, I dragged Cassidy into it. I made Zayn brake up with her and I even kissed her! I'm a horrible, delusional, idiot.

What did I ever do wrong? Why did my sister have to die? Even though she was annoying at times, she was my sister. She saved me from bullies. She helped me get a girl back in elementary. We had our fights, but I still loved her.

I finally gave up with struggling and sat down on my butt. Zayn Liam and Harry let go of me.

April was still in my hands. She didn't feel dead though. She still felt alive. But I knew she wasn't.

Giving up, I laid her down back in the casket. Everybody looked at me with sympathy. I hated that. People felt bad for me.

The three boys climbed out of the cement box, obviously meaning for me to follow.

I stood up and started climbing out.

Cassidy tried to comfort me, but I wouldn't let her. I simply walked back down the path, looking back one more time, getting a last glimpse at my sister before a man shut the casket.


As a man lifted the crane arm up and pushed the top back on the grave, people started leaving the site.

As I was about to walk away, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see who had grabbed my shoulder. It was Zayn.

I was about to say something when Zayn started crying. I have never seen him cry. Ever.

I looked at the guy who had yelled at me, accused me, and broke my heart. The guy who I used to be in love with, who I thought that I would marry one day. The guy that I punched in the face.

He managed to choke out an "I'm sorry"

I looked him in the eyes. I really wanted to forgive him but he asked like a jerk to me.

"Please forgive me" he asked.

Was I really going to forgive him? I wanted to. But I was unsure.

"I-I-I-" I stopped, looked him harder in the eyes. "I can't"

He started sobbing. "Why? I'm sorry. I shouldn't have thought you were lying. I will never yell at you again. Please?" He begged.

"Because" I answered.

"Because why?" He asked.

I took a deep breath. "Zayn, I want to. I really do. I still have feelings for you, But I can't because.... Well, I kinda kissed Niall" I told him.

He looked shocked. "So you were lying?" He asked.

"I wasn't, I kissed him after. During the storm, we hid in a shed. He kissed me first though" I confessed.

"I love you Cassidy. I thought nothing was going to separate us. Maybe we can still be together if you forget about Niall. It was probably just confusion" Zayn squeezed my hand.

I felt uneasy. As in I shouldn't be doing this to Niall. I thought for a moment.

"Fine" I told Zayn.

He smiled. "Now come on, I'm gonna get you ice cream!" He said excitedly.

I nodded and smiled. "Ok"

We held hands and walked off.


I'm sorry it was short, but it was very drama-ey

Is there too mutch drama? Also, what should I do? I have no clue what to do now in the story. Probably some excitement. I'm not sure.

Also, I want to start a one shots book. Not for one direction, but for any famous person. Like, I take requests for any famous person, and write a one shot. And if I didn't know who it was, I would look it up.

Should I? I don't know.

Anyways, thank you for reading!

-Julianne xoxxoooooo

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