Chapter 32~ My Feelings

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No Ones POV.

Next morning after...

Everyone had made plans. One of them was to make another bonfire.


Sasuke felt he needed the answer from Sayuri. It was something he couldn't hold back anymore. He had to contain his actions, more like so he couldn't scare Sayuri from them.

Sasuke and Sayuri were meeting up at more of the forestry part of the beach so they could train just a tiny bit. They didn't want to be totally out of shape from having her free time.

The pair met up and greeted each other with a wave. They gave each other a nod which when they were going to have a friendly duel. "Are you ready?" Sasuke smirked seeing if she had even been in shape. "Why wouldn't I be?" She gave a glare to sasuke seeing though his plan.

Sayuri let go of her fighting position. "Sasuke before we start, you can't use that eye of yours. It wouldn't fair unless you play dirty."

"Tck" he gave that stare that he didn't.

"Well let's get started then!"

They ran at each other at the exact same time. Sayuri stood back knowing that sasuke wouldn't totally expect that. Sasuke was pleased she knew to do something different. Sasuke kicked to the left side of Sayuri ran back behind her and kicked the center of her back. Sayuri groaned and turned around right after she held sasukes leg before it hit the ground. He stared dead into his cold eyes. She twisted the leg and let go. She moved forward and punched him in the stomach. They both moved back and gave a heavy pant.

Sayuri ran up and kicked forcefully into his legs. Sasuke backed up and blocked a couple of her fearless kicks. Sasuke took his move and found an open spot from her waist. He plunged his leg into that exact spot but as he kicked her hand moved to block the spot leaving less pain and damage. As she only defended and focused on that part Sasuke used his fist to punch her leg so she could fall.

She fell hard onto the ground and Sasuke had landed on top of her since his leg was kinda stuck. One of his legs was between sayuris. There eyes met in a gaze. "Well I lost, time will come again" Sayuri had a sigh knowing she was displeased with her performance. She'll think of something different.

Sasuke got up before Sayuri said anything he rushed to his water bottle and started drinking. Some spilled on his shirt. "Could I ask you a question and it's serious." Sayuri gave him the eye. "Alright what is it?"

She sat next to him wondering what had gotten into him.

He was defiantly hesitating to say anything. But he got the courage, "When will you give me your answer?"

Sayuri froze she knew exactly what he was talking about. Shit shit shit. That was all she could think about. "You were wondering about my opinion on you now correct? If my feelings have changed at all." He nodded lightly.

"Yeah. Spill it."

"Well dumbo I will." There was a long pause. "To tell you the truth I really don't know, everytime you do something that's nice to me I hear my heart beat faster but I really can't understand."

Sasuke was stunned for Sayuri to say something like this. To even admit.

"I know what that means." He gives a smirk. He moves closer to Sayuri. He continues "it means your in love with me." He smiles and gives a seductive vibe.

Sayuris eyes widened and her eyes brows rose. "What?! There's no way..."

"Yes way Sayuri there is. Maybe you just didn't know it. Why else did you kiss back whenever I kissed you?"

"That's because..." she became quiet she didn't have a reason she had no idea. She ran away and drifted, she was so fast Sasuke couldn't track her chakra fast enough. She was hiding her aura.

Well look Sasuke you scared the poor girl. Sasukes thought.

There's no way I could fall for a guy like that... sayuris thought.

Sayuri ran and ran and she found an abandoned house. It was just rusty but she jumped and landed on her on the rough surface of the roof.

"There's no way I can romantically like him. He was always just a friend."

She sat on the roof. She hugged her legs to her chest and rested her face on her knees. Can I really? That's what she thought. She was thinking so much the sun was setting and it was a beautiful sunset.

She indeed have feelings for him.


Sasuke just sat there. He was thinking what Sayuri was thinking. He regretted bringing up the topic again. He stood there for so long, his friends came along and gave him a stare.

"What happened to Sayuri weren't you with her?" Neji questioned

"Yeah she ran away." Sasuke said he felt ashamed. Guilty.

"Wait really?!" Ino and Tenten muttered.

"Come on go ahead and find her then!" Everyone pushed him from hiss sitting. He slowly walked then ran. Looking in the trees. Then he found her. And abandoned rooftop all alone just staring at the sunset.

"Sayuri." She looked back and gave me a stare.

"Come sit." She gave a smile and pat the roof as a gesture. He did as told.

"I'm sorr-"

"Don't. I'm actually thankful for that."

"Wait why though?"

"Because I know my true feelings now."

"Ohh I see."

They stared into each other's eyes. And Sayuri came closer she touched sasukes jaw and kissed his cheek. She mouthed "I like you. I even might love you"

Sasuke was in shock.

They held hands and watched the sunset. They both knew they were going to have to talk again about there status.

In all they peered at the sunset.

Sayuri finally figured out that missing part of her. Sasuke. Love.

Sorry it's a short chapter!

Hate Or Love | Sasuke X OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang