Chapter 13~ Letter My Covers Been blown

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Chapter 13

Sayuri's POV

I wake up and notice that emo faces warm arms are around my waist I'm comfortable but why is he doing this? I get up and get out of emo faces grasps and slap him lightly to wake him up

"Ow what was that for?!" He says

"Just remember what happened last light and you'll know why" I say while heading to the bathroom to change into my boy outfit

I look at emo face right before I go into the bathroom and see he has a slight blush on his face. How cute

I change and try to cover up any feminine parts about me to act more like a boy. I come out and emo face has already changed and looks fully awake

"Hey emo face how do I look?"


Did he call me cute? That was probably a joke but I don't really mind

"Well I know my escape route so I'm heading there so I can get different information" I close one eye and stick out my tongue and close the door and head to the escape route

I finally get there and I slip past the guards while they're sleeping. I get in position and I tap on there shoulders. They wake up and point there weapons at me. I quickly grab them and push them to the ground.

"I have my ID package now let me through" trying to Intimidate the guards

"I'm guessing your that S-Class ninja that has gone rouge?"

I'm surprised I didn't know Kakashi made an ID like that for MEEEE

"Y-yeah I am now let me through"

"Wait you look similar to Private?"

"I know I do I'm her brother" the guards smirk

They move out of my way and they give me a room number but I decided to just head to my room

"Emo face get something out and change my room number to this number"

"Sure but how did it go with the guards"

"There really stupid"

We both laugh then stop and try to get as much information as we can while we are undercover as OPS agents

I hear a knock at the door and I open the door.....

No ones there? I look down and see there's a small letter an it looks likes there's information on it. I grab the letter and shut the door and sit on the bed to read it.

Dear Private,

I know your undercover agents. I'm an undercover agent to but your from the lead village aren't you? Well anyways I'm the guy that looked at you coldly, hopefully you knew I was giving our a signal to you. It's dangerous in here and I have only been in OPS for over 3 months. I advise you to meetup with me at my room around midnight and I'll give you information on OPS that I have. I'm giving you information so we can work together to shut down OPS. I'm also a sand ninja... My room number is 200

Your partner in crime, Agent

What the fudge kind of letter is this? I knew something was up with that guy that was looking at me weirdly.

"Sayuri what's with that letter?"

"Read it for yourself"

He reads it

"I advise you not to go unless I come with you" he smirks

"No? I'm going" I say bluntly I roll my eyes

"It might be a trap"

"If it's a trap then it's a trap but this could get us a lot of information"

"No, this can only work if he comes over to our room"

"Our room? Fine but you owe me when we are done with this mission"

I sigh why does he have to be so over protective why is he so weird? Never mind I'm the one that's weird

I start to write a letter back saying he should come to our room. After I'm done I head over to his room without telling emo face and slide the letter under his door. I then proceed to head back to my room and see emo face sleeping on the bed.

H-he looks pretty cute...

Sasuke's POV

((The dialogue might be different from the dialogue up above. The reason why is because I'm lazy AF to copy the lines"

I wake up and notice my arms aren't around Sayuri's waist

I get a slap to my face but I'm surprised the slap was light

"Ow what was that for?"

"Think about it, what happened last night with you and me" -_-

I blush at the thought

Why did I even do that?

Time passes by

I'm protective AF why is that Sayuri doesn't even like me? And I like her but... I think she's just dense because she can't get a hint about what's going on.

^•^ hey readers I'm sorry this chapter was short I'll make it up to you guys maybe in the next chapter! The last part of this chapter was probably very confusing but anyways readers I hope you enjoyed and leave a Vote Comment and Love this story! ^•^

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