Chapter 47

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She would never forget the size of the smile that appeared on his face. He slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her for a good, long while.

Breaking off the kiss suddenly, leaving Yankumi dazed and rather breathless, Shin looked at his watch. "We have time. Let's walk around a bit."

So they wandered the dusty, abandoned halls of Shirokin together. Eventually, they made their way to 3-D's classroom. He motioned for her to enter first, then followed.

It had been repainted since Shin's day, but had been decorated with new graffiti, with some of the older art peeking through the peeling paint. The desks had been pushed to the edges, instead of the rows she was used to, but she still smiled at all the memories this classroom held.


She screamed and leapt back, taking cover behind Shin. As she watched, boys emerged from lockers, from the front and back doors, and from the upper level.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" All her original students shouted, revealing banners and signs, as well as showering them both with steamers and confetti.

"Oh, and happy birthday by the way," Shin said, smiling at her flabbergasted look.

Everyone was there. Noda, Minami, Kuma, Uchi, Oishi, Hazama, Matsudaira, every student from her first class. While Yankumi blinked in shock, the boys' eyes not-so-subtly glanced at Shin, who bit back a grin and nodded.

"AND HAPPY ENGAGEMENT!" They bellowed, pulling out more signs and rolling down the second part of the banner.

"What?" She shouted, then glared at Shin.

"Don't blame him, Yankumi," Kuma said, bringing her some potstickers while others laid out plates of food.

"Yeah," Uchi added. "He specifically told us that this was this was a birthday party, and no one was supposed to mention the fact that he proposed."

"So that's what we told everyone." Minami concluded with a grin.

"How the hell did you know I would say yes?" She hissed at the man in question.

He shrugged. "Just lucky, I guess. Hey Oda, save some of the cake for me."

As he left and was surrounded by old classmates, Yankumi stared after him, mouth opening and closing without words.

"Don't be too mad at him. It was his idea for us all to get together for your birthday. We only found out about the engagement thing today." Noda informed her, bringing over a piece of cake. "I'd never seen him so nervous – well, except when he went to ask you out. He was absurdly nervous then."

"H-how did he know about…" She gestured helplessly at the whole gathering.

Noda laughed. "He's knows you better than anyone, Yankumi. Apparently even you." He flashed a grin, then said, "Oh, be right back. Hey Ami-chan! I've been meaning to ask – do you have sisters?"

If Noda had stayed a few moments longer, he would have seen that his words had shocked Yankumi into paralysis.

"He knows you better than anyone. Even you."

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