Chapter 18

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Shin was starting to form the unpleasant habit of naturally waking up early. The first time it happened, he glanced at the clock, saw that it was 6:45 am, and immediately rolled over to go back to sleep. But he couldn't. It was almost as if his body wanted to be up early, to get ready, and get to school on time. He resolutely stayed in bed, trying to force himself to go back to sleep, for a good forty-five minutes before he gave up. And since then, without any alarms, he started to wake up at the ungodly hour of 6:45 every school day. He tried to remind his body that he used to be able to sleep for hours, anywhere, anytime, but his eyes still automatically opened at a quarter til seven. Then he tried to figure out why he woke up with time to spare, and when it all started.

His eyes widened when he realized who was to blame. He had no trouble sleeping in, napping through school, staying up late, and repeating the cycle until Yankumi had come along. School had gotten interesting, and now, his subconscious wanted to be there on time. After this revelation, Shin purposefully arrived late to school for a few days, just to show everyone (including his subconscious) that he could. Satisfied with the fact that he successfully proven something (he wasn't sure what), he found himself giving in and getting ready for school at a decent hour.

His friends eventually grew used to the always tardy Shin showing up on time, and after their shock had passed, started expecting him to walk to school with them. It was after one such walk that everyone stopped at the school gates to stare at the large banner decorated the side of the school, proudly congratulating the volleyball team for making it to the National Championships.

The majority of the group was marveling at the fact that any part of their school excelled at anything, but Shin was pushing away memories of a lost friend who had loved volleyball more than anything. It was in the middle of their respective reveries that Yankumi ran into them. Literally.

Heads turned in unison to stare at their fallen teacher, who muttered an 'ouch' before scolding them for standing dangerously in the middle of the gates. Sighing at the fact that any normal person would have noticed a large group of students and thus gone around them, Shin met her gaze and nodded his head at the banner.

Yankumi got to her feet and moved in the front of them as the guys commented on how it was unbelievable that the team had actually done it.

"Wow! That's great!" Yankumi beamed. "Kids at our school aren't too bad, after all. It's just a matter of making effort. Yeah!" And she cheered at the end as if she was the one who advanced to Nationals.

"Hey," Uchi interrupted her self-congratulatory pep talk. "Aren't you late?"

"Yeah! Wait, what?" She glanced at her watch and looked up in surprise, as if being late was unusual for her. "That's right! You guys don't be late either!" With this last parting advice, she sped off to the laughter of her students.

By the time they got to the classroom, everyone had heard about the volleyball team's achievement, and Maeda and Senzoku were showing off their skills to the rest of the class. There was the usual mix of boasting, exaggerating, teasing, and encouragement as everyone speculated what would happen and what their reward would be.

Yankumi arrived after her staff meeting and loudly congratulated the two team members.

"I didn't even know you were on the volleyball team!" She exclaimed happily. "Job well done! Why don't you knock the wind out of the Head Teacher?" Her voice changed to a slightly evil tone, and Shin guessed Head Teacher had spent a good part of the staff meeting insulting 3-D. He wondered if anyone had told her what had happened last volleyball season. From her usual cheerful manner, he guessed not.

"Even in agony... Even in sorrow..." And suddenly Shin realized she was singing to herself. "I'm alright once I'm in a court." She sniffed, then turned to the class with a broad smile. "Right?"

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