Chapter 38

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The next day, Shin convinced Mrs. Kumai that the least he could do was help out in the restaurant in exchange for freeloading. This way, he also got to meet Ami-chan, who apparently stopped by for a lunch date with Kuma every day. After noticing the looks both Ami and Kuma gave each other, Shin was happy his friend had found someone that he obviously loved.

Around two, he excused himself and went upstairs for a quick shower and change of clothes. He spent an embarrassingly long time in front of the mirror, alternating between telling himself that he looked fine and fixing both his hair and his clothes.

After both Mrs. Kumai and Ami assured him he looked great, he headed out for Kurogin. He carefully arranged himself so he was casually leaning against the gate when the bell rang. Students walked past, most of them giving him curious looks, and the rougher ones giving him challenging glares. He gave those a look of his own, then turned away.

Soon enough, Yankumi came out, muttering to herself. He bit back a grin and settled himself against the gate again. However, in typical Yankumi fashion, she was completely oblivious to his presence or how cool he looked. As she drew closer, Shin could hear part of her rant.

"Not understanding such a simple concept, and after I explained it so well! They're all so… so…"

"Slow." He commented.

"Yes! Slow! Thank you, Sawada. They're slow and stubborn and can't see what's right in front of – Sawada!" She turned around in complete surprise.

He rolled his eyes. "I was talking about you. Baka." He told her gently.

"Sawada!" She shouted again, then attacked his hair with a broad smile. He winced as all the work he put into it disappeared, but then laughed at himself. If it was Yankumi ruffling his hair, it was worth it.

"You're back from Africa!" She announced happily.

No, really? He responded sarcastically in his mind, but still smiled at her.

"And you came to see your old teacher, what a good precious student!" He narrowed his eyes at that. This was his first task – making her see he wasn't her student anymore.

"Hey, have you… had dinner yet?" Shin tried to ask casually.

"Oh! You must be hungry! Of course – I'll have Minoru prepare us a feast!" Before he could protest, she grabbed his arm and took off.

"But I meant… just… us…" He finished to himself as she chattered on while dragging him along the sidewalk.

"Oh, by the way, Sawada, where are you staying?"



"It's my first name. You could use it, you know."

"Oh, that would be weird! You're my precious student, after all."



"I was your student. It's been two years."

"Oh," and here, she actually looked thoughtful. "So it has." She stopped and looked at him, as if for the first time. "You're taller, now."

And before he could figure out what that meant, or if it even meant anything, they had arrived at the Oedo household.

"Everyone! Guess who I found wandering the streets!"

He shot her back a glare. She made it sound like he was a lost puppy. But then there was no time for glares or corrections as the resident yakuza members emerged from different rooms to greet him. He nodded and bowed and shook hands and answered questions until Kuroda-san laughed and told everyone to give him some room to breathe.

Soon, he was sitting with Yankumi and her grandfather, sipping tea, while everyone else went off to prepare the meal.

"Ah, Sawada, you never answered my question. Where are you staying?"

He gave her a look, which she returned cluelessly. Sighing, he corrected her. "Shin."

"Huh? Oh. Right. Where are you staying… Shin?" His first name sounded odd coming from her lips, as if it was a foreign word she didn't quite know how to use.

"With Kuma and his family." Shin answered, reminding himself that it was all about small steps.

Kuroda-san, who was observing the conversation with great interest, Shin noticed, commented, "Ah, he's a good kid. He often makes deliveries here, when we feel like ramen. He and Minoru are kindred spirits."

Shin smiled at the older man. "I can see that."

"Now, Shin, tell us about Africa." Kuroda-san said. "I'm sure it was an amazing time for you."

He nodded. "It was. I learned a lot there." And the time until dinner was spent with stories and questions and comments.

"I realized a little bit of what we put you through," Shin told Yankumi while describing his experience with some of the kids he had met. "How did you manage to put up with us for that long?"

"Oh, well, a real teacher always puts her students' needs ahead of her own, and will sacrifice anything for them!"

"Also, she had no idea what she was getting herself into," Kuroda-san added in a loud whisper.


Shin laughed. He had missed them. He had missed this. There was so much warmth in this house, he couldn't help but feel comfortable.

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