Chapter 6

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Shin was trying to sleep.

Homeroom with Yankumi was over, which meant it was time for Fujiyama-sensei's English class. Shin didn't mind English class, since he could answer questions in his sleep (His senator father had made sure that his children could speak English fluently, not because they wanted to, but to make sure he looked good. Stupid old man). What he did mind was the screech of desks as the other kids scooted as close to the board as possible, leaving him alone (and usually asleep) in the back, and the loud murmur of everyone practicing English and finishing their homework. That miniskirt the teacher wore controlled the class almost as well as Yankumi's yelling.

He had a sudden image of Yankumi in a miniskirt, which made him shudder and quickly put it out of his head. He much preferred her tracksuits and pigtails. While Fujiyama-sensei (or "Shizuka-chan", as his classmates called her. Ugh.) tried to control the class with hormones, Yankumi tried to help them with an overwhelming blind passion for teaching. He preferred that too. So, he waited for the squeaks and voices to die down so he could finally get back to his nap.

The door opened, causing an expectant silence to fall over the class as they all leaned forward for a better look. Finally, thought Shin, and settled his head deeper into his arm. Skipping his usually morning nap by the riverside in order to come to Yankumi's homeroom made his English nap even more essential. He was almost asleep when cries of outrage exploded from the front.

"Ah, man! Why is she here again?"

"This is Shizuka-chan's class! Where is she?"

As a chorus of "Shi-zu-ka! Shi-zu-ka!" echoed around the room, Shin slowly raised his head to see who had replaced their normal English teacher. Yankumi? He suddenly felt more awake. Propping his head up on his arm, he watched as she shouted back at them,

"What's with all the Shizuka? Huh? All of you Shhhhhh-zuka!" And then she went on to explain that English Teacher was sick with a cold and that she would be teaching math instead. Groaning with disappointment, they all scooted back away from the front, offending Yankumi mightily. Shin watched with a small grin, then closed his eyes again and drifted off to sleep to the sound of a dorky voice trying to explain algebra.

After class, Shin noticed Noda rush out with his English workbook in hand. He shook his head a little. English Teacher's miniskirt had worked on Noda a little too well. The poor guy was hooked. Ah, well. At least he's studying for once in his life.

Even after school, as they headed for the crepe cart, Noda had his nose firmly planted in his book, reciting the properties of "to" to himself.

Uchi and Minami couldn't pass up such a great teasing opportunity. "Oh! You're really determined aren't you?" Uchi danced in front of him, his guitar strapped on his back.

"Get a high score on the English midterm and capture Shizuka-chan's heart that way, eh?" Minami grinned.

"Aw, she wouldn't be interested in me anyway," Noda replied, without looking away from the correct usage of adverbs.

Minami continued, "Operation Capture Shizuka-chan's Heart Number 1!"

Good Lord, now Minami's starting to sound like Yankumi, thought Shin.

"Women have a soft spot for presents." Minami told him with the air of experience. Shin rolled his eyes.

Noda scoffed, "How could I afford to give her a present?"

And yet, as Uchi and Minami ran off to try and 'charm' some nearby girls, Shin noticed Noda stop by one of the street vendors and pick up a simple necklace. Grinning slightly at Noda's enthusiasm, Shin was glad his friend had something to be happy about.

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