Chapter 20

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Shin liked to think he was a rational guy. He, unlike most (if not all) of his classmates, considered the consequences before he acted. He made it a point to not waste his energy on something unless he deemed it necessary. He considered it a point of pride that he was not a slave to the hormones that made Minami and Noda act like complete morons any time a vaguely attractive girl was around (the willingness to become male cheerleaders in order to meet college girls proved the complete idiocy of the rest of 3-D as well) . He had built his entire reputation on being thoughtful, quiet, and logical, which is why when he did take action everyone around him respected it.

Which is why he found Yankumi so infuriating. She kept putting him in completely irrational positions. Like, for example, putting up, (or worse) going along with her insane ideas. He found himself interacting with her much more than anyone else simply because she needed a voice of reason to let her know when she was being a baka or giving away her yakuza origins or coming up with an absurd plan. (There may have been other reasons as well, but he firmly avoided considering them).

He realized that he had unwillingly developed a talent for being able to sense her mood and thus, predict her actions. Now, he had been able to get a read on most everyone around him fairly easily for most of his life, but comprehending Yankumi required an entirely different set of skills. One had to take into account her mobster background, her genuine cluelessness, her incredible naïveté, and her propensity for latching on to hopeless causes. It was exhausting.

Taking advantage of Yankumi's presence at the staff meeting, Shin buried himself in a book while the rest of his classmates talked amongst themselves. The relative peace was broken when Noda checked his phone and shouted his news to the room.

"Alright! We're having a party with a group of girls!" As every guy (besides Shin) leapt out of their seats and started making plans for charming these girls, Shin rolled his eyes at the lot of them. They're like a group of testosterone-fueled baboons, he thought, and muffled a smile as they continued to hoot and scream and jump around.

"Sorry, sorry, you guys," Noda apologized insincerely, halting the widespread jubilation. "There are only four girls. So! It'll be me, the organizer, Uchi, Kuma, and Shin." Groans of disappointment echoed throughout the classroom, and Shin glanced up from his book with a raised eyebrow. If Noda thought he was coming to a party with random girls, he had another think coming.

Amidst the shouts of protest, Noda muttered to himself, "It's a good thing that Minami is absent."

He obviously had a vision of what Minami would say if he heard about a new opportunity to hit on new females. Noda shuddered, then focused on the problem at hand.

"But why this group?" One of the excluded guys implored.

Noda slid over to explain his choices. "Uchi is to liven up the party."

Slicking back his hair, Uchi smiled and declared in a sleazy tone, "Let me pump it up for you."

Crouching next to Shin, Noda expounded, "Shin is for looks."

"I pass." Shin refused, still reading his book. He had no interest in going to this pointless party.

Noda pouted and shook his shoulders, obviously unconvinced. "No way! Your presence makes a big difference!"

Shin only had time to give Noda a disparaging look before another classmate demanded to know why Kuma was invited.

The bear-like boy grinned proudly until Noda stated that he was for comedic relief. Kuma looked at Noda with a mix of confusion and offense but was interrupted from doing anything when Yankumi suddenly appeared in front of the two boys.

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