Chapter 3

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"Minami." Shin got his attention, then jerked his head toward the stairs. Best leave before she got here and started asking questions. When they had walked away from the classroom and reached the front steps of the school, Minami asked what the heck was going on.

"Give up on that girl." Shin used the most superior voice he could come up with. It'd be easier to hate him if he acted like he was better than Minami. He knew that from experience

"Huh?" Minami was genuinely confused.

"Got it?" That's it. Sound like a dictator, giving commands to his subordinates.

The reaction was predictable. "It's none of your damn business! Don't you ever tell me what do again!" Nice right hook from someone who was injured. Shin took the hit and waited.

"Got it, you bastard?" Minami shouted, a mockery of Shin's command. He was getting ready to punch Shin again when the P.E. teacher showed up and hauled them both to the office.

"Alright, what's the reason for this fight? Who struck first?" The Vice Principal demanded, stomping back and forth. Just give it a sec, he'll blame me. No surprises from him.

"Hang on a minute!" She stepped in, trying to diffuse the situation. "You both have a reason, right?"

Shin didn't even look at her. Just watch, clueless teacher. Watch and see how normalteachers act.

"I get it. Sawada." Yup, here we go. "If you don't want to be expelled, you better write an apology letter." Head Teacher gave him his most domineering voice. Typical. No proof, no reason for writing a stupid letter except that Sawada was a student and Sawatari was a teacher. What in the world would he even write? I apologize for trying to protect Minami by making him hate me. I apologize that I'm not the perfect little student you think I should be. I apologize that students are always trash and teachers are always right. Yankumi made a small noise of protest, which both of them ignored. Shin glared right back at Head Teacher to show that he wasn't scared, then walked away. See, clueless one? This is how it is. Stop pretending you're different.

Shin stopped by class to grab his bag, and found Yankumi following him.

"You're not going home, are you?"

"There's no way I'm writing an apology letter."I'm not going to play the teacher's stupid little games.

"You don't care if you're expelled?"

"Expelled?" Kuma asked in shock as the rest of the class turned to stare.

"Doesn't matter to me."

"Maybe you don't care, but I do." Yeah, right."And what about you guys? Do you want to see your friend expelled?"

Before he could get hurt by no one answering, Shin established that he didn't need friends to care if he got expelled. "Don't just throw the word 'friend' around so lightly."

"What are you talking about? A friend is a friend." She looked confused, and Shin saw the little kindergartener he used to be, the little kid thinking that friends were always there for you, that they would sacrifice themselves for you, that you could trust people who said they were your friends. He felt a little sorry for her, and a little jealous, that she somehow made it to adulthood without that illusion shattering. Well, the time had finally come. Make her hate him too. Why not?

"Like 'let's get along because we're all friends?' We're not kids. Don't make me laugh." He looked past her as Minami walked in. Exhibit A, he thought as he turned and left.

"Shin!" Kuma shouted. Good old Kuma.

"Let him go! Even if he gets kicked out, he can still go to another school. He's smart anyway." As Minami's voice faded, Shin knew he had succeeded. Minami hated him. He was that much more alone.

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