Chapter 26

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Shin was in a good mood.

Good moods were rare for him (though they were becoming less so), so he enjoyed it while he could. He couldn't quite say why he was in such a happy mood, but it may have been a number of things. The fact that they were only a few days from graduation. The fact that it was the last day of class. The fact that their senior trip was coming up. The fact that Uchi had finally gotten rid of his annoyingly yellow hair. Or perhaps (and this was the most likely), it was because he had finally decided to stop worrying about his feelings for Yankumi.

After that fateful day of her resignation and his realization, some part of every day was spent arguing with himself about how ridiculous being in love with Yankumi was. First, love was a very strong word. It implied something serious, something lasting, something meaningful. He was eighteen for heaven's sake – much too young to be thinking about such deep, significant things. Second, Yankumi? What the hell was he thinking? She was five years older than him, she was a teacher, she was part of a yakuza family, and most importantly, she had shown no sign of returning, or even of being aware of his feelings. It was probably just a crush or something that would fade in time and would only embarrass him if he told anyone (especially Yankumi) about it.

So no more. He was going to leave everything alone and enjoy his last few days of school. Live in the moment. Stop worrying about the future. No more thinking about Yankumi or –

"Australia?" The cries of his outraged friends brought him back to the present.

"Yup." Minami grinned as he squeezed onto the picnic table bench.

"Like a prize trip overseas?" Uchi asked jealously.

Minami nodded. "Though it's an unknown low-level university, my mom and dad got so excited and happy."

"So cool." His friends pouted in unison, while Kuma added, "I bet the food is delicious."

"When do you go?" Shin asked, happy his friend had gotten into a university.

"We're taking a ten day trip, starting today." As soon as he heard that, Shin was about to ask about their trip when he was suddenly interrupted.

"From today?" Yankumi shouted as she popped up behind them, startling everyone and causing Uchi to fall off the table in surprise.

"Why are you here?" Minami demanded as Uchi stood back up and tried to look like he had fallen on purpose.

Ignoring his question, Yankumi continued, "You're not coming to school from today?"

"Due to my dad's business, we can only fly out today." He leaned his head back to look at her upside down. "No problem right? Seniors don't have any more classes."

Impatient with all the interruptions, Shin grabbed Minami's collar and dragged him away from prying ears.

"What about our plan?" He asked, wondering why Minami had blown it off so easily.

"Ah, sorry. Since my parents were so happy, I couldn't refuse…"

Unhappy at being ignored, Yankumi pushed her way between them. "What is your secret talk?" She demanded suspiciously.

"None of your business." Shin told her.

"Well, see to it Yankumi, okay?" Minami patted her shoulder, then took off.

"Rats! Don't forget my souvenirs!" Uchi shouted after him.

"I'll be happy with anything I can eat!" Kuma added to no one's surprise.

Noda tilted his head and said, "I wonder why he came today."

"See you at the Graduation Ceremony, Minami!" Yankumi cupped her hand and yelled.

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