Chapter 8

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"Um, hello?" Shin spoke into the small pink phone.

"Ojou? What happened to your voice? Are you sick? I will have Minoru make you hot pot and tea right now! I'm so sorry, Ojou! It's from my lack of care you're sick! Please don't hurt me!"

Shin stared at the phone again. Who was this? And who was this scary Ojou lady?

"Um, this isn't…Ojou. I found this phone on the ground."

"Eeeh? So Ojou's not sick? Minoru! Cancel the tea!"

"Uh, look, I'm heading home, so if you want to tell me whose phone this is, I can try and give it to them tomorrow. Do they live near Shirokin?"

"Shirokin?" There was a pause and then some incredibly loud whispering. "Minoru! Shirokin's Ojou's school, right?"

Shirokin's an all-boys school. Why would a girl go here? This wasn't a manga, for heaven's sake.

"Who is this?" The phone asked, suddenly suspicious.

"Sawada Shin. Are you going to tell me whose phone this is or what? What's "Ojou's" real name?"

"Uhhhh, she doesn't have one! We can't give it to you! Come to this address! We'll see you soon - bye!"

And then the line went dead. He stared at the stupid pink phone. Why did he have to come to them? Couldn't they just tell him to meet whoever "Ojou" was somewhere tomorrow?

He sighed. He knew where the district was (a good 20 minutes out of his way), and he really didn't want to keep the phone when they expected him to bring it (the guy on the line sounded kind of tough), so he rolled his eyes at the annoyance and started walking.

When he entered the area, he wondered what anyone from this district was doing at or near his school.

"Why do I have to return it?" He muttered to himself as he reached the address. This place seemed a lot nicer than the surrounding buildings. Maybe this "Ojou" is rich and has butlers. Butlers would call someone "Ojou".

"I guess this is the place." Just then, the phone rang with the same number.

"Hello. Thank you for coming all this way." Weird. It's like they knew exactly how long it took to get here from Shirokin.

"Uh, I'm at the front of your house." Come to think of it, this guy sounded a bit rough for his butler theory.

Rough guy, rough neighborhood, really nice house. This was getting weirder all the time. Oh well. Ready or not…

"Here I come." He walked through the giant gate and headed through the garden towards the house. It was a few minutes before he got to the doorway, and the name on the frame made him freeze.

"Oedo family?" He read, then felt a small seed of panic. Maybe it was a coincidence that these people had the same last name of one of the largest mobs in the country. Maybe it was also a coincidence that they had a really nice house in a really rough neighborhood and that they addressed some girl as "Ojou". Maybe he was going to die.

Stop it, he told himself. You're just returning a phone. Their Ojou's phone. The daughter or niece or something of the leader of the yakuza's phone. Did he somehow know her?

Shin opened the phone and looked for a name or a picture or even a phone charm that would give him a clue as to the owner's identity. No pictures in the phone. He slowly turned it over.

And there, on the back, like any junior high girl's phone, there was a small sticker from a photo booth. But the person in this sticker wasn't a teenage girl. It was…

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