Chapter 9

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For the rest of the day, Shin sat at his desk and thought. The fact that he didn't sleep through any of his classes concerned the rest of his friends, but he paid them no mind. His mind kept turning in circles.

She might leave us. She wouldn't leave us. Her family might ask her to. They might not have to. Everyone calls her 'Ojou', as if she's the heir already. The idea of having feelings for her was ridiculous. Right? Right. She's overzealous, and doesn't think things through and...and I'm not thinking about this anymore. Focus on the problem at hand.

As he puzzled and pondered, he began to hear vague voices around him.

"You wanna fight?"

He sighed and turned in annoyance.

"Your breath stinks!"

"You stink!"

The twins tussled a bit, then fell over. The other students joined in the shouting and chaos and quickly cleared a space for fighting.

Shin ignored them the best he could, but everyone was very loud. A teacher's going to hear you, he predicted.

Uchi had the same thought. He shouted at the guy next to him to go keep watch for teachers.

"Um, Uchi..."

"What? You got a problem with that?" Uchi demanded, caught up in the energy of the fight.

"No, but...she's already here." A hesitant finger pointed out Yankumi, who was camped under a desk and cheering for the contestants.

"Come on you guys! What? You have no guts? Come on! Stand up! Go on, Oda! Yeah!" Shin turned to see her gleefully pounding her fist into her hand and shouting encouragement. When she finally noticed that the entire room had gone silent, she looked just as confused as they felt.

"What? Is that it?" She asked, sounding disappointed.

"Why didn't you stop it?" Minami asked loudly.

Yankumi proceeded to explain what she thought was perfectly natural about the culture of fighting.

"Well, it's a one-on-one fight. It's not Sasashigoro, either."

"Sashigoro?" One guy repeated the clearly mob slang word, probably more confused than before.

"What's that?" Kuma added.

"Fighting without a knife. Don't you guys know that?"

All the non-yakuza people don't know that, Shin rolled his eyes.

"It's normal not to know!" Uchi shouted, causing her to look slightly panicked.

"Huh? Is that so?" She asked with a nervous smile, while Shin simply muttered a "Baka". It's a wonder she hasn't been caught yet.

"What's this?" Yelled the Head Teacher as he stormed in. Everyone stood as still as possible, while Yankumi hid behind the largest object she could find. Kuma.

He stared at her, trying to convey with his eyes that hiding was the dumbest option she could have gone with. If she had jumped up and ordered everyone back into their seats, the Head Teacher probably wouldn't have been so suspicious. But now, she caught his eye and nodded confidentially, as if he was now involved in hiding her from the Head Teacher. He rolled his eyes and looked away (He seemed to be doing that a lot lately).

Needless to say, she and Kuma got caught, she got reprimanded, and then homeroom continued as usual. Shin tried to set aside his questions about Yankumi, but they kept showing up. Just like her.

School finally let out, and he and the guys started walking to a nearby restaurant. As the rest of them discussed how weird she was and how much yakuza tv she must watch at home, Shin looked up in surprise as he saw Tetsu and Minoru headed towards them.

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