Chapter 1

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Sawada Shin was tired.

It seemed like he was always tired. He'd sleep in, be late to school, which didn't really matter since the only thing he did at school was sleep anyways. At times of deep introspection, which were few, since looking back on his life and into his own psyche wasn't pleasant, Shin knew that he wasn't just tired, he was weary. World weary. He wasn't tired because he didn't sleep enough, he was tired of the teachers, of the school, of the adults, of his parents.

All adults are awful. Nice alliteration, he silently congratulated himself as he wandered into the school assembly. All eyes turned to him, and he stretched and yawned to show that he didn't care about the judgment and disgust from old teachers and students, and was basking in the curiosity of the few new ones. Speaking of the new ones, was that teacher onstage wearing a track suit?

Weird, he thought to himself, strolling through the path the other students made for him. When he reached Kuma, Uchi, and the others, he lazily spared the new teacher a single look. Dorky was his first impression. Naïve was his second. From her pigtails and glasses to her red jerseys, this teacher declared that she had no clue what she was in for. Shin snorted a little, then ignored her.

Later in class, his suspicions were confirmed. She walked in with an absurd amount of enthusiasm, which made Shin even more tired just to watch. Obviously she had some ridiculous notion of how this would be the best year ever, and she would be the best teacher ever, and they would be the best class ever. When she shouted for quiet, Shin raised his head to see how she reacted to Kuma letting her know that their conversations were more important that her 'reintroduction'. Although she seemed unmoved by his threat to 'mess her up', Shin was sure she'd catch on to the fact that she would never have control in this classroom. He rolled his eyes from his desk in the back and tried to go back to sleep. He could hear the chalk on the board as she announced her name (Yamiguchi Kumiko – Dorky, Shin thought), her age (23 – Totally clueless), and that she was single (Why would we care?).

From the familiar rustling sound, his classmates were lobbing spitballs and paper airplanes at her, giving her the traditional 3-D welcome. Shin also knew how this would turn out. The same, tired old reactions. The worthless teachers would shout and scream and threaten them with detention or insult them by saying they would never succeed in life unless they listened up. The clueless teachers would beg and plead and also tell them that unless they listened, they wouldn't succeed in life. His classmates would ignore them and increase the torment until the worthless teachers stormed out shouting or the clueless ones ran out crying.

He raised his head to see if this one had started crying yet. It was then he saw Kuma wind up to throw a baseball at her. Before he could yell out, warn Kuma that physically hurting a teacher would get them all in trouble, or warn the teacher (not that he cared about her personally, she was a teacher after all, but having her dreams shattered by a concussion would probably not work out in their favor either), Kuma launched the ball straight at the woman's head. Shin waited for the sickening thunk, for the crying or screaming, and instead saw the teacher pause, put her hand up, and catch the hurling ball without looking away from the chalkboard. 3-D then experienced a rare moment of complete silence, as everyone stared at her in shock, surprise, and amazement. She turned around slowly, and Shin saw the unexpected steel in her eyes as she stared at the students, like she had dealt with potential violence and insubordination before, and was getting ready to snap out some punishment.

Then, almost like a switch, her eyes widened, her face got clueless again, and she spoke in a high, girlish voice.

"Oh my!" She squeaked, "This is a baseball! That's kind of dangerous! Let's not do things like that, kay?" Then turned back to the board and continued as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

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