Wattpad Pages (And Other Things)

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*I tend to say "fucking" more times than average. Not sure why. I think I'm just super hyper. I haven't slept in two days.*

I think it's safe to say that an average chapter on a Wattpad book is around 2-3 pages. However, the average chapter in a published book can be anywhere between 10 pages to 25 pages.

Why is that, I wonder?

Because Wattpad has a terrible system of pages.

This is probably one of the biggest things I hate on here, because I will write a three page chapter on Google Docs, which is only 2 pages on Wattpad. Or I'll write a five page chapter in a notebook, which is only a page and a half on Wattpad. I really don't see the point of making pages so fucking long on Wattpad. I could work for weeeks on a chapter that's a page and a half on Wattpad, and it looks like nothing. Again, I feel like I'm the only erpson who notices this, or is mad by it, but still.

It also gets annoying when people leave comments saying "Make the chapters longer, this was only two pages!", because, uh, exuse me, that was like ten fucking normal pages (slight exaggeration, but still)

I really don't see why this would be that hard to solve (I say this as somone who had to ask how to edit an HTML on Tumblr, but still), and why can't Wattpad have an update where they fix this, or more glitches, or ANYTHING, besides fucking "now you can hook your Wattpad up with your fucking Facebook, how amazing".

That's another thing. Wattpad is getting so caught up in other social media sites and linking up your Wattpad with other things, and it's PISSING ME OFF.

No, I don't fucking care how mant hearts on WeHeartIt my chapter fucking got. No, I don't appriciate the fact that there's HUGE ASS FUCKING LOGOS of other social-media sites under my Profile Picture, and NO, I especially hate the fact that you made the vote button as big as a fucking grain of sand so that you could fit a "Share" button next to all of my chapters.

I mean, I understand that you want more people to come in, but hey Wattpad, literally hundreds of people are making Wattpad accounts a day. Do you really need people to go sharing it to their Grandmothers on Facebook? 

This Rant got a little bit off topic, but what do you feel about both of these, Wattpad Pages and Wattpad hooking up with Social Media sites?

And also, while we're at it, what do you think of the new cover? I know, it still looks like crap and i oculd have done way better, but I was a bit tired of this book being my most popular book and still having a cover that looks like it was made using MS Paint. So how's this one, at least until I decide to change it again? Yay or Nay?

{And also, quick sappy thing, THANK YOU for reading this, and voting, and the comments, and thank you for following me. Thanks. ^-^}

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