Followers and Famous Writers

15.5K 1K 406

This is probably the one thing that absolutley pisses me off on Wattpad.

So there are many "Famous" writers here on Wattpad. Whenever I read one of their stories, I click on their Profile and read it, to discover things like this written on it:

Stop asking me to read your stories, it's annoying and I have my own Life! I don't have time to read thousands of stories!!

Now, this is understandable when you get 50 messages a day with people asking if you could read their stories. But do you honestly have to be so rude? Why not write this:

Please do not ask me to read your stories unless we have actually had a good conversation first. Sometimes it's overwhelming to get so many messages a day asking to read stories, when I honestly can't even keep track of my own!

Okay, that may have been a bit weird, but at least it was a lot nicer than just demanding to people who genuinely want an opinion to just well... Fuck off. Also, there's this:

I don't Fan Back, so stop asking.

You don't need to write that on your Profile, that's just RUDE. Just don't fan back and people will catch on, which leads me to my next part of this Rant. When I see that someone has freaking 30,000 followers, but only follows 14 people. I mean, I get it that you aren't able to fan 30,000 accounts, but that doesn't mean only fan people you know.

That's basically just excluding yourself from being able to follow someone when you really like their stories or something. It also just pisses me off because it just appears like you aren't grateful of how many people like your writing. I think that's just me though.

Basically, what I'm saying is, just because you get really popular on Wattpad, doesn't mean you have to turn into a machine that can only do certain things to avoid talking to every one of your fans. Part of joining Wattpad is to make new friends online and "Connect with people".

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