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Okay, forget all this "I'm going to be nice" or "No harm to writers" thing, just for this chapter. BECAUSE THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE.

I was looking at all these profiles and books and just randomly clcking things and reading things, and I came across a user. Now, this person apparently fels da ned 2 tlk like dis all da tim (dnt h8) AND IT IS ANNOYING THE CRAP OUT OF ME. They even made a book that is exactly like that.

I really don't know if this person is joking or if they are really that intelectually challenged, but oh MY GOD.

And just to prove to you guys that I'm 100% NOT KIDDING about this (nor have I on any other rants, ubt just to justify my point here) I am prepared to give you this person's username. The only thing I am afraid of is some weird person going on their profile like "dis girl wrote an chptr bout u itz men u go mke er payyy" 

I only want to do this to show you all that there are actually people out there who do this. Like, it is frightnening. Okay, here we go, the username is... *prepares for shitstorm of hate comments*


No, seriously.

I will even leave a nice little comment below with this name so you can conviniently click on it and marvel at this person. I would like to click it, study their book, profile page, messages, etc. etc. And tell me what you think. Hey, you can even hate me for doing this and make me delete this chapter or tell the author or whatever, but I just wanted to share this with you.


*hides behind barricade*

EDIT: Or I will post the username in the comments, but now, of course, Wattpad won't work. -.- So just search the person for now? Thank you.

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