Text Talk (And Trying to Be Funny)

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So I don't know if I've talked about this before but I want to address it now. (And this may sound a little harsh, but this is my Rant book, I'm allowed to Rant.)

If you're going to write a story on Wattpad, whether it be a real book or poetry or a fanfic, you need to take the book seriously. I'm going to use fanfics as an example because, one, that's what I write, so that's what I read, and two, this is where it happens most often.

For one, you need to make the book actually readable. By that, I mean, at least have a proper grammar ability.

I guess this can count as the whole not writing with 2 instead of to or u instead of you, etc. etc., but I've seen a few books lately that will be so bad at taking the book seriously that it will literally make me cringe.

I guess it's a bit hard to explain what I mean. I'll give an example here, but keep in mind the point I'm trying to get across here is not only the grammar, but the way the story is written out in a way that (I can only assume) the author is trying to make the readers laugh (in a very unfunny way, in my opinion). Anyways, here's what I'm kinda talking about:

I knocked on the door and then Phil opened it.

"OH EM GEE PHIL HOW YOU DOINNNNNNN" I said and then Dan walked out too.

"IS DAT WHO I TINK IT ISSSSS" he mimicked my tone making me laugh.

I say on the couch and then I said "imma make a video now bitches" oh yeah I forgot to tell you guys I make videos now and I'm super popular :))))

So I turned on the camera and started talking, and when I finished I went to edit and wow I'm such an awkward taco loooooollll

And then Dan walked in and he kissed me and them it was suppppperrrr awkward and so he left.


Do I like him.

No he's my friend duhh

Why does it even matter your in me head

Shut up head voice

So I went over to Phil and I said "I think I like dan" and he went "FOR REALS WHAT TOU CANTT

"Jk I don't!"

Yes you do.

Shut up head voice??!!!!

*clears throat* I'm going to stop there. I realize that "story" was all over the place, but I was just trying to get in multiple points. Minus the major plot holes and lack of writing and spelling errors (because I literally wrote this in like five minutes), the point I was trying to communicate was, can you see what I mean by the way of writing is, I'm guessing, trying to make ye reader laugh, but it really is unrealistic?

For example, one of our protagonists, Dan, who I'm going to assume you all know who that is based off of, would obviously NEVER say "Is dat who I tink it is?" Honestly, no one would.

(But I'm not kidding that was in a story. All of these were based off of a few different stories I read. So I have to out in here that yes, if you know what stories they are, do not mention what story or who the author is, because I would rather the author see it, recognize their story, Learn their mistakes, and improve without a shitstorm happening.)

So I guess to summarize everything, if you're going to write anything, please take the plot line seriously.

Because it pains me to read stories like that.

*deletes book from Library*

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