Green - 42

13K 410 174

a/n - thank you soooo much for 150k!! 

It was a little later that day, and Alice was sitting with Betty in the Blue and Gold Workroom. Betty was finishing up an article, and Alice was going to proofread it for her, although she was currently scrolling through twitter, until a small knock at the door caused the two girls to look up.

"Ethel," Betty acknowledged, motioning the girl in, while taking note of the boy who walked beside her. Alice vaguely recognized him, only partially recalling seeing him hang with Josie and Valerie at a few of Cheryl's parties.

"Hey Alice, Betty," Ethel greeted with a small smile, "You guys know Trev Brown, right? Valerie's brother?"

He gave a small wave, saying, "Hey, what's up."

"Hey," Betty smiled, with a small laugh, as Alice replied, "Hi, Trev."

Alice looked at the boy, observing him. Trev's rich, brown eyes stood out against the light caramel color of his skin. His curly chocolate-colored hair was messy laid around the frame of his face. He was certainly attractive by any means. 

"He used to be on the football team," Ethel told them.

"But I quit," Trev said, taking a small breath before continuing, "When I saw Chuck's playbook."

Betty's widened as he spoke, while Alice leaned forward, intrigued.

"And, I may know where it is," he added. 

"Well then," Alice said, putting a strand of her hair behind her ear, "Let's find it."


It was late, Alice couldn't quite remember the time, but she knew for certain that it was far too late for any students to be in the school. The building was empty, save for the five teens that were currently walking the hallways of Riverdale High, after hours, in search of Chuck's playbook. The only noise was the quiet click of Veronica's heels, which she had insisted on wearing, despite Alice telling her it would be best to wear sneakers. The near silence was then broken by Veronica's crisp voice, like a bullet shattering glass.

"Football players behaving badly," Veronica muttered, although still speaking with diction, "What else is new?"

Alice just sighed, holding her flashlight tighter in her hand. 

"The coach's son being the ringleader..." Veronica trailed off, shaking her head. "I mean, just how depraved is this town?"

Alice almost laughed at the irony. The daughter of Hiram Lodge, talking about corruption and wickedness. (wicked is good)

"Color me impressed," Cheryl said, causing the teens to jump, except for Alice, who just turned around to face her friend.

"Oh, a B and E with B and V! What would your holy roller mother say about this, Betty?" Cheryl said, shining her flashlight at the teens. 

"What are you doing here, Cheryl?" Betty asked, slightly annoyed.

"Not learning how to mind her business, that's what," Alice muttered, causing Cheryl to roll her eyes.

"And where did you get those thigh-high boots? They're amazing," Kevin marvelled, makes Betty look at him with a face of mock disappointment.

"Trev told Valerie, who told Josie, who told Tina, who told me," Cheryl told them before adding, "And I thought I would help."

A smile that didn't seem genuine laced Cheryl's lips as Betty countered, "Help? Or derail our investigation?"

"'Investigation' ? Is that what this is now?" Alice asked, "You make us sound like the FBI."

Cheryl grinned at the raven-haired girl's comment, before shining her flashlight at the blonde and saying, "Get over yourself, Betty."

"Hey guys," Ethel called out, getting the attention of the other teens, "get in here..." 

Alice walked over to Ethel, who had found some sort of poorly concealed secret compartment. Reaching inside was a leatherbound notebook, covered in scribblings that Alice couldn't quite decipher.

Alice looked at the now opened book that laid in Ethel's hands, watching as she flipped page after page that revealed the horrible secrets of Riverdale High's football team.

"Trev was right," Ethel said quietly, "They didn't even bother to hide it..."

Quickly grabbing her camera from her bag, Alice took a few pictures of the notebook.

"'New Girl'? Is that what I'm reduced to?" Veronica asked, disgusted. "Nine points?"

"Better than 'big girl,' " Ethel told her, as flashlights shined over the book in her hand. "Seven point five."

"Polly's in this book..." Betty muttered quietly, before Cheryl finished the thought for her, "Next to Jason's name..."

"No way," Alice said, shocked. There was no way, right? Alice thought to herself. The Jason she knew, he would never have done something like this, but maybe she didn't know Jason as well as she thought she did.

"This isn't...Jason would never-"

"It's right there, Cheryl!" Betty exclaimed, a sudden outburst of emotion surging through her. "Your brother hurt my sister... this is what guys like Chuck and Jason think about women... We're objects for them to abuse. And, when they're done with us, they shame us into silence."

Pretty sure the only person who shamed Polly into silence was your mother, Alice thought, but she bit her tongue, keeping her words to herself.

"Maybe, maybe I don't know Jason," Cheryl said sadly.

The redheaded girl stepped back from the book, turning off her flashlight, as tears welled in her eyes.

"I've got pictures," Alice told Betty, "We'll show it to Weatherbee."

"It'll be the perfect cover for your exposé, Betty," Veronica said.

Betty sighed, obviously no longer satisfied with the more passive route, as she said, "Yeah, but... no.. These girls, they deserve justice, don't you think, Cheryl?"

She got a few seconds of blank staring in response, making her sigh again.

"You want vengeance?" Betty asked, looking at the two raven-haired girls, "You wanna go full dark, no stars? I'm with you."

Alice and Veronica grinned, as Betty finished her thought.

"And, I have a plan."






-thank you guys sooo much for 150k+!!!-

-if you could, maybe, follow me, and help me reach my goal of 1k followers, then that would be pretty cool-

-#wickedisgood (yes gotta love those maze runner references) (unless they involve newt. then definitely not.)-

-ohmygod i hate this one girl at my school, and she had red hair, and she kind of reminds me of cheryl except not rich, and literally she is the worst person every (btw, her name is mackenzie.)-

-qotd: how are you?-

-aotd: pretty good, about to eat some foods, so, you know, pretty good-

-thanks for reading! next update coming tomorrow or sooner!-

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