Green - 40

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a/n - so... i watched ep 6.... and let's just say i am not okay anymore

It wasn't long before the two teens arrived at Alice's house. Although, the residence was more of a manor, what with the size being only a bit smaller than the Thornhill Mansion that was located only a few minutes away. 

The house was empty, as Alice's stepmother, Bianca, was out, leaving the house to Alice and her company. Her company being Jughead, of course.

Jughead had been to her house before, back when the Core Four, as he had deemed them, were closer. He felt nostalgia run through him as he entered the house, remembering how he, Archie, Betty, and Alice had run through the halls, laughing together over the simplest of things, as kids do.

"So, what's on your mind?" Jughead asked as he sat his laptop down on the kitchen island.

"I wanna see your novel!" Alice said happily, sitting down across from him. He slid the laptop next to her, the screen illuminating his words.

He watched, anxiously, as her eyes roamed the page. He didn't even notice he was holding his breath until she looked up, smiling.

"This is really good," she told him encouragingly. "Like, really good."

"You think so?" He asked her.

"Definitely!" Alice assured him. "You're really talented, Jug."

 "Thanks, Ali," He said, a small smile gracing his lips. "It means a lot."

A few moments of silence fell between them. It wasn't an awkward silence though. It was a comfortable one, the kind where you didn't feel you needed to speak. Silence is a void, always broken by noise, which shatters it like glass, and yet, with the right people, in the right place, at the right time, silence can be comforting. It can be warm, and comfortable. It can be peaceful, and that is exactly what it was, because in that moment, Jughead and Alice were the right people, in the right place, at the right time. 

"What are you thinking about?" Alice asked, looking curiously  at the boy who had fallen into deep thought.

He leaned back slightly, smirking as he teased, "Oh, wouldn't you like to know?"

"I would," Alice countered, smiling, "but it seems as though you don't want to tell me. Which is fine, because I've actually got something to tell you..well. rather, show you."

Alice got up, leaving the island that was in the center of the room, and made her way towards the stairs. Intrigued, Jughead followed her, all the way to her room. She reached under her desk, revealing a small gray safe.

"What's the password?" Jughead asked jokingly, sitting down on her bed. "1-2-3-4?"

Alice rolled her eyes, although Jughead saw the small smile she was repressing, "I'm not that stupid, Forsythe."

He laughed lightly, watching as she unlocked the safe. Inside, there were small polaroid pictures, similar to the ones that covered her wall, but these ones weren't pictures of nature or buildings as the others were, no, these were pictures of things far more dangerous.

"No way..." Jughead gasped, picking up one photo. On the other side of the picture, written in bold, black sharpie were the words 'sweetwater river, July 4th, 2015 '.

In his hands was a picture of Miss Grundy and Archie, together, at Sweetwater River.

"This, this is how you knew? That day, when you told me to go to the music room..." Jughead said, looking up at Alice, who nodded.

"I was going to burn it, but I decided to keep it, in my safe.. I figured, I don't know, it could be useful, you know, to our investigation and everything," She told him.

"This is definitely useful...bloody hell, Miss Grundy was at Sweetwater River... what if she was the one who caused the gunshot?" Jughead began to wonder aloud.

"You should talk to that scout, Jack.. maybe he knows something," Alice suggested.

"That is a great idea, Ali," Jughead said, sitting up. "I'll head to Pop's, and see if I can find him."

"Okay, sounds like a plan-" Alice began, but then her phone buzzed. It was a text, from Veronica.

"Oh, Veronica needs me, so I guess I'll see you later?" Alice asked, standing up.

"I'll call you after I talk to Jack," Jughead told her.

It wasn't too long before Alice headed out, wondering what Veronica was planning....






-wow i really did not like this chapter very much idk i just was not feeling it, i'll try to make chap 41 better-


-by the way, i love you guys!!-

-lmao if you follow me, you know my reaction to what happened in ep6. let's just say, i was not happy-

-freaking follow me if you aren't bc hellooo i'm sick as frick!!-

-we learned a lil bit about alice's fam, which is kinda cool (and yes i totally named alice's step mom after a character in one of my favorite series'... wonder if anyone can comment which one her name is from?)-

-qotd: where do you want to travel?-

-aotd: i've already been to cali, sooooo london! because london seems cool, ya know?-

-okay guys, bye, hope you liked this chapter. there's a big possibility that another one will come out in a few hours.-

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