Chapter 21

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Hey guys! This is sorta a filler chapter to take a break from all the dramatic shit so sorry for the lack of quality but I feel really shitty ahaha so whoopsie daisy I hope you enjoy~! (Also, shoutout to p!atd fans, I'm making Elaina one of us >:) mwahaha)


Elaina's POV

Eventually we reach some big, fancy double doors made of shiny dark wood. Xavier pulls one open and gestures for me to enter. I nervously step inside to see the most beautiful library I've ever seen, surpassing anything I could ever imagine. Thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of books cover the walls and create a maze of shelves. The huge room is decorated elegantly with paintings and expensive decor. Thankfully there aren't a lot of people crowded in like I was expecting; as far as I can tell, its just Xavier, a couple ladies at a reception desk, and I. I allow a small, closed mouth smile to grace my features as I imagine all the stories, all the hours of discovery and enjoyment, all the complex universes and labyrinths, all contained between two book covers, waiting to be studied.

I start excitedly wandering around, not knowing or really caring whether Xavier was following, too caught up in the awe of seeing what seems like heaven. At my old pack, I would have only books to comfort me. I would sneak some reading time in between chores and beatings, and I was exposed to a lot of exquisite literature while taking my college courses. I passed by rows and rows of tempting adventure books, epic mythology tales being retold in different ways, and the critically acclaimed classics. I could probably spend my whole life in here, and believe me, I want to. As I move through the aisles, breathing in the wonderful scent of aged paper and ink, I slowly collect a stack of thick volumes, not being able to decide which I want to read more. Eventually I run out of room in my arms so I spin around to find Xavier when I nearly bump into him, making me give out a little squeak of surprise. I fumble with the books in my grip, nearly dropping them but thankfully I catch them in time. I look up meekly into his chocolate orbs.

Xavier gives me a look of disbelief before chuckling. "I guess you like reading." My cheeks flush as I awkwardly nod my head to confirm. He continues to look at me like I'm crazy but also amusing which I don't fully understand so I give a little shrug as if to say, "Alright, let's go."

Xavier leads me up a gorgeous spiral staircase that I would spend more time looking around from if my knees weren't wobbling under the weight of my chosen books. Before I collapse, we reach a cozy little corner of the top floor of my new favorite place on Earth that has a big, broken in leather couch with a couple fluffy leather chairs to match, complete with a soft white blanket draped over the back of the couch and a few strategically placed  end tables. I let the pile of books drop down on a table next to the big leather chair with the blanket on it and plop myself in the chair, and I sink into the over-stuffed cloud. I never thought of leather as soft, but this chair is the most comfortable thing ever. I take out my phone and put in my earbuds, going to Spotify to listen to some music in the background. After sampling a few songs, I settle on a group called Panic! At The Disco and kinda move my head to the melody as I choose which book to read from the pile I brought.

I decide on a thick volume full of tales from Greek mythology, as it's always intrigued me. After a few hours of intense battles, vengeful gods, and sweet love stories, I reach the end of the book and stretch, yawning tiredly. I look over to see Xavier still hard at work, typing out emails, going through documents, and formulating schedules for guards. I study his tense features and start getting anxious so I switch to yet another book, this one called Clarity- a book about a murder investigation being helped out by a psychic girl. I also switch my music to this soothing sounding artist named SayWeCanFly and enjoy the sound of guitar and his poetic lyrics for a few moments before cracking open the book and immersing myself in the story.

About half way through, my eyelids start to droop, my body being lulled into sleep by the comfortable chair and the calming music, so I place the book open, face down, on the table next to the stack of my selections and curl up into a ball, burrowing myself under the blanket and sinking into the big chair. I won't sleep, I'll just rest my eyes for a few moments to take a break from reading.

Xavier's POV

I sigh, the paperwork is seemingly endless. I rub my eyes and stretch, realizing I've been at it for nearly five hours. I look over to see my adorable little mate completely knocked out next to a pile of books. As I focus on her soft breaths, my frustration quickly melts away. I sit contentedly, wishing I could be cuddling with her instead of working. I wish a lot of things, like that she wasn't afraid of me, that her past never happened the way it did, that she never went through ll the awful things that she did. I know none of these wishes will come true, and I'm happy that I at least have her with me now, but I can't help but want for our meeting to have gone better.

I'm also still really worried about her running away. The fact that no one even saw her leave last time she was here is astounding and infuriating, because I didn't stay to comfort her; I wasn't there years ago to protect her, and I wasn't there that night to keep her from leaving me. I'm actually seriously considering giving her a tracking bracelet or something, as crazy as it sounds. I just can't bare to lose her again. I don't even like her being out of our room like this, but she just got back home so I should at least try to make her feel comfortable. I'm glad she's wearing my clothes, it makes my wolf and I very happy, but if she pulls another stunt like running away or threatening herself again, I'm going to have to keep her locked in our room or handcuffed to me or something.

She mumbles a bit in her sleep. "Stop . . . please." I furrow my eyebrows, wishing she had good dreams. I can't even pretend to understand what she feels like, I'm just really worried. With all the stuff she's been through, she could probably be a lot worse. Maybe she is, and I just don't know yet. I just don't know how to help and there's still so much to do regarding her finally coming back home. I need to find a way to keep her safe.

She's mine; she's my mate and life partner. Nothing is going to happen to her, I won't allow it. Even if I have to keep her chained to me, she's not allowed to get hurt, especially by herself; I don't even know what I'd do. "She's mine," my wolf growls possessively.



Finally updated, sorry for shit quality. Vote goal: 50? I feel bad asking for so much but bleh whatever. Thank you if you voted, and even if you didn't, your face is beautiful.

Thank you guys so much, as always, for reading, because it does seriously mean a lot to me (Sorry I feel like I get all mushy at the end of the chapters). Also please try not to post negative comments toward Elaina. It's just that she's largely based off of my experiences and how I feel and since I'm a self conscious little shit I kinda feel attacked because I really put myself in my books and I know a lot of you don't care and aren't even reading this (BANANAS) but thanks if you are, much hugs. I'll try to update soon :)


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