Questions and an explanation

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Okay I've had pretty bad writer's block for about a month, I'm just not sure how to continue the story. So instead I went through, kinda editing and I realized I wanted some advice from you guys, so I've got a couple questions regarding possible changes to the book/future plot.

Should I change Xavier's name? If so, to what? I know Xavier is a really stereotypical alpha mate name and honestly I just started using it because I couldn't think of a good one when I first started this book so I just went with the generic male werewolf name. So... thoughts?

I originally planned for Xavier and Elaina to end up together but Xavier generates so much anxiety in her because of her trust issues, and fear of getting hurt/ caring for an entire pack/ all that responsibility and needing to be alive. So should Elaina end up with...


Kaeden? (who she wasn't fucking cheating on Xavier with jesus guys platonic friendships exist, but now I'm kinda imagining what it would be like if they ended up together).

Or someone completely different???

Also, should Elaina reject Xavier? It seems more realistic to me, but I know a lot of people just want another generic happy ending, so I don't know.

And just any other suggestions/opinions? I want you guys to like the book...



To Elaina, being friends with Cat and Kaeden (who she doesn't even fully trust or feel comfortable with) is less risky than being responsible for an entire pack and suddenly ignoring all her trauma and anxiety to allow a virtual stranger to know her completely. Giving him her heart is pretty much an invitation for him to hurt her because she feels like he will get annoyed with her emotional disorders, etc. and hurt her, no matter what he says.

The kind of abuse she went through, the trauma, all her depression, anxiety, etc. does not suddenly stop affecting her because someone supposedly loves her.  Based on my actual experience with most of the stuff she deals with, I know that she wouldn't just jump into his fucking arms, because I refuse to ignore reality and just regurgitate some generic romantic novel written by someone who doesn't know shit about trauma, severe depression, and cripplingly anxiety and phobias, who has her abused character suddenly have all their problems dissolve because of a romantic partner. DO NOT call Elaina a bitch, or stupid, or whatever the fuck else because you want some picture-perfect, carbon copy story where love "heals" the  girl, and she suddenly doesn't feel like she's drowning, sinking, etc.

In reality, love doesn't fix someone. I have family members and friends that I love but that doesn't get rid of my chronic depression or severe suicidal ideations. That's not how life works, sorry to break it to you.


I'm sorry if that was harsh, but I just got so frustrated with people insulting Elaina because this book isn't just some other abused-girl-meets-cute-alpha story copy and pasted into my profile. I'm just trying to write realistically, because you guys deserve a better story than if I just listed a bunch of cliches for likes and follows. Also, Elaina's character means a lot to me because I share a lot of problems with her, and I'm just a wee bit protective I suppose.

Hopefully I'll post a real chapter soon, sorry if this was disappointingly not a real update.


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