When time becomes a torture

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"She didn't make it..."

Zander's POV

My eyes widened "W-What?!"

However, the doctor didn't reply, he just walked out the door.

We all stared at each other's, stunned. Catherine Bickerton had really died?

This town has to be haunted.

Everyone is dying?

And my brother might be joining.

"Hey, Zander" Tom approached me


"Will you keep and eye on Belle? I know she'll want to stay here, would you make sure she eats and gets some rest? I need to do something"

I looked at him suspiciously "Don't do anything you might regret Tom. There are many people dying already" I told him

"I know" He told me "Don't worry"

Belle approached us "Tom, I haven't done anything back home today. I don't know what I was thinking, my mom needs..."

"My mom surely knew about what happened and I'm sure she took care of everything in your house, knowing you wouldn't be there"

"How did she know I wasn't going to be there?"

"She told me she would visit your mother today"

"Oh" She looked at Tom "Then, can I stay here?"

"Yes. But I need to go. Zander will be with you, ok?" Tom looked at me

"Ok" Belle half smiled at me. Damn, she was really beautiful.

As Tom left, Sister Alice came with some food for all of us. It was really thoughtful of her. We haven't eaten for the entire day. But, honestly, I didn't feel like eating.

There were too many things on my mind. And everyone seemed to be like that.

I was near Belle, since she tried to keep her distance from the others, not wanting to intrude on our family environment. I half smiled at her "You should really eat something" I told her as she played with the food

"I can say the same back at you" she looked at me "I'm fine"

"You're going to spend the night, I guess"

"Yes." She looked down and we kept silent for some moments before speaking again "It wasn't her time to go. I still can't believe she really died"

She was talking about Catherine

"Yes. It is true. I don't think she ever got to know Robert is her brother"

She looked at me "That's right"

"Try to see it the other side" Sister Alice joined us. We both looked at her "She was ill, seriously ill. And she was inside that convent, against her will." She sighed, the tears in the corner of her eye "I saw her every day. She was living each second with the hope of Robert taking her out of there."

I looked at her, comprehensively

"Robert was with her the night he was shot. He couldn't bring himself to tell her, I noticed it. Maybe if she knew, the shock would be even worse for her."

"She died anyway..." Belle spoke

"She still deserved to know..." I whispered

"Maybe it was better for her to leave this world with her heart still intact"

We looked at her, not really knowing what to say.

"God knows what He's doing" She said again

"Does He? I'm starting to doubt it. Everyone is dying!" I disagreed

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