Chapter 14

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Ladybug led Nathan to the edge of the underground. There a small shack with one door. It had no windows and, apparently, no door. Nate couldn't help but look to Ladybug in his confusion. The teen had a knowing smile as she knocked a certain pattern on the wall. A moment later, an old woman's voice asked, "What's the password?"

"Butterscotch cinnamon pickle,"Ladybug chuckled a bit and turned to Nate, "It's harder to guess than 'butterscotch cinnamon pie'." Nate's confusion continued. The "wall" opened up to reveal a... goat woman.She wore a long purple dress and her fur was white.

"Oh! Ladybug, my child, come in come in!" She greeted Ladybug and Nate as she opened the door. She then rushed out of the room towards what, guessing by the smell, Nate guessed was the kitchen.

"It's about time you got here, M'lady," A blonde dressed in all black material (which was definitely not native to Animatronica), wore mask, had cat ears, a belt tail, glowing green eyes, and cheshire smile stood in an entryway to a hallway, "I was starting to think Joker had gotten the best of you!"

"As if, Chat!" Ladybug huffed, "I guess Prince Matthew is in the spare room?"

"Ya, he still hasn't come to. I'm guessing he doesn't get much exercise." The blonde, Chat, observed. Ladybug nodded and led Nathan into a hallway with three doors. Ladybug led him into the first room. There, laying on a bed with a red comforter, was MatPat. Nathan ran to his brother's side, a series of emotions flashing across his face all at once. Anger, relief, pain, and fright seemed to be the emotions easiest to describe. Matthew, for the first time in weeks, looked peaceful. It had never occurred to Nate, but he suddenly realized how stressed his brother had been since even before the quest had come up. He had spent weeks trying to keep the Land of Disney from attacking, then King Mark just announced an arranged engagement.  How had this man not fallen apart yet?

"I have a feeling we should leave you alone for awhile." Ladybug murmured. Chat looked almost...somber for a split second before leaving the room with his crime fighting partner. Nate sat criss-cross on the floor and put his head in his hands. Even Nathan, the warrior that always found a way to turn a battle around, felt like giving up. Yandere-dev had already murdered their best friend. That was two friends lost at a young age in five years. First Jason, now Tee. If they didn't get Morgan or Stephanie in time... he hated thinking about it. He'd seen those pictures. They were being tortured wherever they were, probably half starved, maybe they weren't even alive at this point. Nate clenched his teeth as he remembered his fallen comrades. How they usually died suffering immense pain, how they screamed for help that couldn't make it in time... what if that was happening with Morgan and Stephanie? He remembered the day he watched Jason die on the field. He had been powerless to stop it from happening.... He remembered the looks on MatPat and Aphmau's faces.

MatPat's groan made him realize mourning wouldn't change anything. He had lost friend after friend, soldier after soldier, his mother... he couldn't lose Morgan as well. He couldn't let Yandere-dev take anything else away from him. He sighed, thinking back to when his mother had died. Tee had been holding him back from trying to grab his mother. He had kept yelling at her to let him go... yet she had let him cry into her shoulder. She knew a few gears might have rusted, but she didn't care. She'd helped Lolbit raise Nate and his brother when Mark couldn't be there. Across the small room, stood a full length mirror. Nate looked at himself, a hand reaching up to his left ear. Tee had been the one who encouraged him to use them as decoration, to put something through them on special occasions. Suddenly, he was filled with determination. He will avenge her, and everybody else that Yandere-Dev has ever harmed.

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