Chapter 12

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Nate couldn't stand looking at the pictures anymore. He threw them onto the floor. He wasn't sad or afraid, he was livid. That was his girlfriend, no, his fiance. Seeing her like that ignited a flame Nathan hadn't felt in a long time.

"Nate, the picture, "Matthew rasped," Did you get the picture of Yandere-Dev?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah." In his rage, he had forgotten about the picture in his palm. He took the last piece of parchment and held it out to his brother. Matthew gaped at the picture.

"Nate..." he whispered" That's the Merchant."

"Nate, we shouldn't be doing this!" a preteen MatPat whispered to his young brother.

"Shhh! I'm trying to listen to Mommy." A 9-year-old Nate hushed his brother and flattened himself against the wall corner to eavesdrop on his mother.

"Ya, sure, you can crash here for awhile. I mean, it's only fair until you get back on your feet." Lily Iplier was saying. She had made a habit of talking informally to everyone but her family and other royals. Really, that was for the best in Nate's eyes.

"Thank you." An emotionless, female voice came from the young girl standing in the gargantuan doorway of the castle. She had her dark hair in a ponytail and wore a tattered, stitched-up dress. She was younger than Nate, even, and yet Nate couldn't help feel uneasy. MatPat saw nothing wrong with her.

A few days passed, and Nathan and MatPat were, once again, eavesdropping on their mother. Nate couldn't help but look around the corner. The man's voice was full of life, but his eyes seemed... soulless.

"You're too kind, My Queen! My daughter and I will work to the best of our abilities until we can build our new house. Only for a while though, I'm still a traveling merchant. My heart still belongs to the road." The man strongly resembled the girl with his short, dark hair. He wore simple peasant clothes.

A week passed. It was Valentine's day. King Mark Iplier and his lovely queen were going to take their sons into town. The boys and Mark had been planning all of January to make this day special for the queen. MatPat and Nate were sitting in the den on the first floor. MatPat was reading a book, Nate was pretending to stab things with his toy soldier. Suddenly, they heard a shrill scream.

"Was that Dad?" Nate questioned, looking at the door.

"Well... it was too girly for Tee... So yes."

"Are we gonna have to kill a spider again?"

"Nah, Mom will take care of it." MatPat went back to reading his book on William Afton while sitting by the stone fireplace. A few minutes passed. The boys figured Lily was still getting ready. Five minutes later, King Mark stepped into the room, his eye red, his shoulders slumped in defeat.

"Dad? What's wrong? Where's Mama?" Nate ran up to his father, trying to convince himself nothing was wrong. Mark forced himself to speak. 

"Nate... your mother...." He couldn't bring himself to continue.

"Dad, where's Mama?" Nate begged for an answer. Mark bent on one knee, coming to eye level with his son.

"Nate... She's dead." The king was fighting back his tears.

"Th-that's not very funny...." Nate whimpered.

"Nate I...." Mark was cut off by Nate running out of the room. It was soon followed by desperate screams.

"Mama! Wake up, Wake up! Let go of me! Mama why aren't you waking up?!"

Another week had passed when the merchant and his 'daughter' decided to seek for job and shelter elsewhere. 

"We are terribly sorry. I wish that I could be of some assistance, but I hardly knew her Majesty while all of you were so close to her. All I can offer is the promise that we will not be a burden to you any longer," the merchant said in a sorrowful tone, his face and voice full of remorse for royal family and their staff; except for his eyes. His eyes were still dull, and emotionless which was quite odd considering that a person's eyes show what they're truly feeling. The man then took hold of the little girl's hand as they walked out of the castle gates with what little they had and soon disappeared from view of the castle. They left the grounds of Animatronica shortly after, heading northeast to a neighboring kingdom. A kingdom that was supposedly underground. 

  Matthew looked up at his brother. His brother's expression of recollection changed into a face that said, "We are taking this battle to it's source."  

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