chapter 11

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Nathan followed Marinette into the kitchen. Many of the servants had stopped to look at them and whisper excitedly to each other. Nate was used to this, as they had reacted as your average Joe in Animatronica.

"He's right over there," Marinette announced, approaching a boy with bright hair the color of a sunset, "Nathanial!" The boy jumped, dropping a plate back into a metal basin.

"M-Marinette!" He greeted her rather nervously, "Umm... How are you! I thought you were working upstairs t-today?"

"I am, but Prince Nathan needs your help." Marinette explained, gesturing to Nate standing behind her.

"P-Prince? How can I help Your Highness?" He quickly bowed then stood up as straight as he could.

"Miss Marinette told me you can draw. I need you to draw somebody for me, a criminal to be exact."

"Of course! Just let me get my p-pencils and sketchbook!" He quickly went down a corridor, to which Nate assumed led to servants' quarters. Nathan looked down at the much shorter teenager and couldn't help letting out a chuckle.

"What? What is it?" Marinette looked up at him, " Do  I have something on my face?"

"No, he just reminded me of MatPat in his younger days."Nate hummed. The blue bell-eyed adolescent seemed to want to inquire upon this fact, but was interrupted by the precious little cinnabun entering back into the room. He didn't say anything, he just sat down on a stool by the doorway and nodded to Nathan. Nate tried to answer his questions as well as he could. Things like, "Did he have a pointed chin?" or "What shape of eyes did he have?".

After what felt like forever, Nathaniel was finally done. "Is this what he looked like?" He inquired nervously.

"Yes, that's perfect!" Nate exclaimed, surprised at this young man's talent. Nathaniel nodded and carefully tore it out of his little journal.

"Sweet! What can I do to repay you?"

"Oh, I'm fine. I don't need repayment from a prince."

"Don't be modest! Fine, but if you wake up with a big sack of silver and cold coins on your pillow, I won't accept a return." Nate didn't give him a chance to respond, for he had to get this MatPat.


"MatPat?" Nate called, knocking on his brother's door. There was no reply. "I'm coming in." He opened to the door to be greeted by darkness. There wasn't a single candle lit, and the curtains had been drawn over the single window. Nathan took a moment to adjust to the contrast in light.He could make out his brother's huddled figure, curled up in the right hand corner of the room.

"Matthew...?" Matthew jumped up, as if he had just now heard his brother's entrance.

"Nate... It's horrible...." He whispered. Nathan noticed something in his hand. MatPat looked completely defeated as he held out four pieces of parchment. Nathan cleared the distance between him and his brother's outstretched arm. He took the parchment and froze in horror at what he saw. Somebody had created a detailed sketch (probably from some sort of animatronic) of Morgan. She had gashes and bruises across her face, her aristocratic gown had been basically shredded, and clumps of dark  hair seemed to be missing from her skull. Nate, the warrior who had seen death in all forms, felt as though he was going to be sick. He forced himself to look at the next picture. There, in what he assumed was her torn work uniform, was Stephanie. She was passed out on the floor, had a cloth across her mouth, and it was obvious she hadn't been punished as often as Morgan. He once again, looked at the next picture. It was only a gear.

The next sheet of parchment was a note.

                    Dear Nathan and Matthew Iplier.

    We have decided that we can't have you meddling any more. It has been quite inconvenient. Now, one of you must marry the remaining sister. If you don't, you'll lose another one of your companions. Don't worry, her body will be returned to you once all of the evidence is taken care of.



                               I'd hurry if I was you.

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