Updating Alice

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"You really are an idiot, you know that?"

"Ouch!! Get off, that really hurts you know!"

It was Monday again and during lunch I had decided to show Alice the stitches climbing my wrist and although I wanted to tell her the truth I made up my mind and was going to tell her the same story I had told my parents. I opened my mouth and let the lie slip out easily and uninterrupted, feeding it to the girl in front of me. In my mind it was convincing and natural as well as believable so there was no reason for her to question or doubt me but even as I was going through the simple story there was something in her face, mainly her eyes, that showed she knew. She knew I was lying.  

I hadn't even finished speaking when she butted in "Alright enough with the lies, what really happened in the woods?" I gave a single laugh. "How did you know I was lying?"

"Oh please, its all in the details plus the fact I have been your best friend for god knows how long so don't think you can just get away with lying to me." She smirked and then waited for the truth. I sighed, 'Well here it goes'. "Well you know those woods around the corner?"

"Yeah, go on."

"I went there but its so different to me because its all cursed and there are people living in a sort of alternate dimension and there are bird-people and dragons and zombies and little ghost boys that enjoy hide and seek not to mention grumpy vampires and daemons!!" Alice just stared into the empty space above my head, I could practically see her brain ticking and trying to make sense of this. After a few minutes of awkward silence I thought 'Oh god, what if she thinks I am crazy?! I could have just frightened away my best friend!?"

I was about to break the silence when Alice finally grasped what I had said and replied "Ok, this isn't a joke right? This is serious?"

"Deadly serious." I said it in stern voice that gave no hint of a joke but I am sure it was my eyes that really convinced her I was not lying anymore. 

"Alright, I believe you but you are gonna have to take me there pretty soon because it sounds pretty awesome!" She seemed a bit skeptical but the overwhelming curiosity and our strong bond won over the doubt, so I spent the rest of the day going further into detail about the creatures I had met and the irresistible pull of the woods. The end of the day took its time arriving but when it got here we both said goodbye and agreed to meet up within the next few days outside of school to visit the woods. 

I was walking home from school with the usual earphones, trudging lazily, when I came once more parallel with that entrance. This time the daemons were waving instead of dancing, like an old friend greeting you when you come for a visit after a long time, and I didn't even resist. Earphones out, grin on my face and straight into the midst of the magical trees. 

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